Article 28; State And National Funds
Each chartered church shall be required to send one per cent of all their income from whatever source; fund raisings, rentals of church property, and, gifts, to their state organization and an additional one percent to their national organization. These funds shall be used for the support of the state and national officials. Also, once a year the local churches shall request a special donation, one for the state church and one for the national. These special donations should be separated by six month intervals. The state church on the first of the year, the national in the middle.

All church funds shall be put into insured accounts. They may not be used for speculative investments. Any official that suggests doing so shall be removed from their office, and any members that try to get control of church funds so that they may invest them in questionable activities will lose their membership.

Any stocks or bonds given to the church may not be sold. They are to be held and whatever interests or dividends they earn are to be used for the church's general fund. It is an ancient tradition that Spiritists, when forming new companies, give one share of stock each, to their local, state, and national organization. This is not a church rule, but a very ancient tradition.

Any land given to the church must be used for the purpose for which it was given. If it later becomes valuable it cannot be sold and used for another purpose. Such gifts are considered sacred and the misuse of them a serious offense.

The Rules Of (place the name of your church here.)


1. Any attempt to change the rules of the church, or to add any rule or teaching that is in contradiction to an already existing rule or teaching, will either mean dismissal of the members making this attempt, or loss of that church's charter.

2. The Rule Of The First Church
The first church in any nation is to be considered the national church, and that church's Speaker is to be considered the national Speaker. And until a state organization is formed, it is also considered to be that state's state church. Until each individual state churches form a state organization, the national church shall recognize the first church in that state as the official head of that state's organization.
The national church, when forming new churches, may waver the rules for officers as to time in the church is concerned until enough time is passed that the normal rules of the church can function.
But the conditions for removal of officers are the same.

3. Homosexuals are not allowed membership in the church. They may be given counseling to help them in their condition, but as long as they claim what they do is proper they cannot enter into fellowship. Any persons entering the church and then declaring they are homosexuals shall have their membership revoked. Any church that does not remove such a member will lose their charter. Any members of the church campaigning to change the church's rules to accept homosexuality will have their membership revoked. Any church that does not remove such individuals will lose their charter.

4. At no time shall anyone be allowed to teach hate in the church, or, racial prejudice of any kind. Any member doing so, shall be immediately expelled from the church. Any church failing to carry out this rule may have its charter revoked without question.

5. Any member found guilty of lying about any other member for any purpose shall be required to pay a fine to that member equal to five times their weekly income. If they refuse to pay this fine, they shall be removed from the church and not allowed to re-enter the church until they have made payment to the offended party. Any church knowingly accepting any person into fellowship who is under punishment in another church, shall loose their charter, and shall not regain it until that person is removed from their membership.

6. No church officials may, at any time, hold secret or closed meetings, having to do with church business. All meetings must be announced and opened to membership.

7. No official can remove any worker's membership except through due process as laid out in the by-laws. Any officer doing so shall be removed from his or her office.

8. Any officer of the church not using due process toward any member shall loose their office and pay a fine of 500% to the party they have offended, or be expelled from the church.

9. Sensitive's readings may be given in the church only twice a year; on Communications Day, and All Spirit's Day, and these should only be general readings. All other readings shall either be at seances or the individual sensitive's home. This is because that Spirit believes that readings of any good nature should be private, as they carry personal information.

10. Manner Of Dress For Speakers
When not doing service for the church, a Speaker may dress in any manner appropriate according to the teachings of Spirit. While carrying on Church work, all workers should wear clothes of a dark color, preferably, black. For men; suit coats and pants, with a white turtle neck shirt, is recommended, but a white dress shirt without tie is also permissible. Women must wear dresses while doing services and work for the church. In foul weather it is permissible for women to wear slacks out of doors, but these should be changed before conducting services. It is also permissible for workers or members to wear the traditional hooded robes both to services and otherwise. Manner of dress for members is optional and dependent on their financial status. Men should wear suit coats with turtle neck shirts to service if they have them. Women should wear dresses of a moderate style. They should not be above the knee, or too revealing in the bosom. Spirit does not approve of men wearing bright colored patterns to service or otherwise. Members are perfectly free to wear the traditional robes to service.

11. Any member convicted of breaking any of the church's laws shall have their membership withdrawn, until such time as they have completed the punishment for their crime. At that time their membership shall be renewed without question, and their past forgotten by the church.

12. Trials in the Church
After the church Guardian has investigated any charges of misconduct by members and found there is sufficient evidence that statements made against this person are true, they shall take the information to the church Speaker who shall, at the next service, call this person for trial. The Speaker shall select ten members at random from the church to judge the case as to guilt or innocence of the member. If the party is found guilty, the appropriate action demanded in the rules or by-laws shall be taken.

A. These trials shall be held at night, so they do not interfere with the labor of those chosen as judges.

B. Any persons threatening a person chosen as a judge has themselves committed a crime punishable by the removal of their membership, for ten years. Any person bribing a judge shall also loose their membership for ten years.

C. Any judge who is found did not report a threat or an attempted bribe, shall lose their membership for ten years.

13. At no time shall smoking or the consumption of alcoholic beverages or any other type of drug be allowed in any building being used for a church building, function, or meeting. A member doing so shall pay a 50% fine to the church and lose their membership for one month.

14. Any church official whose membership is revoked, automatically loses their office, and cannot regain it except through reelection.

15. All family names and symbols are to be registered with the church and no one may use a family symbol or name without the permission of that family. No name or family emblem can be inherited without the written permission of the family. For complete information on how to register your family name and symbol, write the national church.

16. A lie detector test is acceptable evidence in a church trial. Any person refusing to take such a test shall be automatically considered guilty.

17. Along with knowing the by-laws, rules and teachings of the church a person must also know how to contact their state and national organizations. The addresses for both of these shall be included in the test for qualification as a member. At present, the address of the national representative is P.O. Box 4301, Portland, ME 04101.

18. No officer in the church, no matter what their level, shall make no more than the minimum wage.

19. No church shall have expensive, fuel-inefficient vehicles.

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