
January 1- Celebration for those things good that have happened in the year passed, and prayer for guidance.

First Day Of Spring- Celebration Of Life. It is traditional for flowers to be passed out to the church members.

March 31, Communications Day- The celebration of the first recognized Spirit communication in America by The Fox Sisters in Hydesville, NY on March 31, 1848. One of the two days yearly that message services are allowed in the temple.

May 14, Mother's Day- A day of thanks to mothers.

May 30, Memorial Day- Day of praise to Those who have died in defense of Their country.

June 18, Father's Day- A day of respect and honor for fathers.

June 21 or 22- Summer begins.

July 4, Independence Day- The celebration of Spirits' long work to establish this free nation.

September 4, Labor Day- Day of celebration and respect for those whose toil makes our nation, or any nation, great.

October 31, All Spirits' Day (Our Thanksgiving.)- It is the traditional day Spiritists first arrived on Earth. As They arrived in the fall on the northern hemisphere, They were thankful for the abundant food that They were able to gather for Their nearly starving people.*

November 23, Thanksgiving Day- Day of celebration for Spirits' work of bringing the first freedom-seeking peoples to this continent--another step to a truly democratic state.

December 24, 25, 26- Three Days Of Sorrow- December 24 is dedicated to murderers and suicides as we are not supposed to mourn these at the time of their death. On this day we pray that The Lords' guidance reaches them and they be turned from their evil and sorrow, to the Path Of Light And Truth.

December 25- The day on which we mourn those we have been forced to slay in battle.

December 26- This day we mourn our Beloved Hades and the many other worlds destroyed in the long and bitter struggle against our enemy.

*Second day in the year that messages are allowed in the temple.



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