Gerald's Letter To National Football Teams

November 27, 2,007


I'm Speaker Gerald Polley, a candidate for The Presidency Of The United States! Here's a link to my web site.

I wish I could say I am a big sports fan. Unfortunately I am usually too busy to watch much sports. Once and a while I do catch a game and they always seem to be good ones, where it's right down to the last fifteen seconds with a tie score! I like football because of the strategy. Being a New England boy I've always wanted to be down on the fifty yard line with the coach of The Patriots, and see how he decides to make which plays, as it has always fascinated me. But I am an admirer of every football player because of their endurance and skill. I would like very much to have the endorsement of some major teams.

I'm afraid I could never own a football team myself, because there is no way I would let a female reporter into the mens' shower rooms or dressing rooms, or whatever after a game, or, before one! Though I am a full advocate of womens' rights, dignity calls for some limits! But I do hope you will pass my web site address on to the players of your team. I would appreciate their support. I am sure there are issues that they will favor and some that they won't like. But I would lay odds the majority of them they will support. No President can give everyone everything, nor, can an honest candidate, and I will always be honest! I will tell people exactly what I will do in any situation and I hope that will be appreciated by the majority of Americans. Do check out my web site. I could use your support!

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States

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