Gerald's Letter To The Mormon Bishop In Los Angeles, California


Lord Peter has asked me to send you a special note informing you that you bear a great deal of responsibility for the current situation with the spiritual leadership of your church because you did not respond to the message that we sent to you some time ago when you knew it was legitimate, thereby defying your Prophet and breaking your peoples' covenant with God.

These are sad times, but God still offers the people of your fellowship an opportunity to become right with Him, to set aside your false beliefs and join in the effort to save God's children. I stand ready to assist you in every way I possibly can, to advise you in all matters of faith, and to tell you if they are right with God or not. This is the purpose that God has given me. He still wishes that you join me in my campaign for The Presidency and that your church support me. This would be the first step in becoming right with Him again, by obeying the original thing that caused your Prophet to turn against you when you failed.

These are the saddest times! We are forced to do things we do not want to do. We are forced to hurt people that we do not want to hurt because they simply close their hearts and will not hear the truth and cling desperately to the lies that they have been told and walk blindly into eternal death. And we don't know how to fix it. We are more powerful than we have ever been before. The Angelic Messengers go to and fro. People hear Them and then simply reject Them because they do not want to hear. And unless we can break through this, unless we can make mankind see the truth we will lose them. The Earth will wither and die.

God calls you. God puts special responsibility on you. He says that you are one of those that can make a difference, that can turn the tide, that can defeat the Darkness and return The Light. All you have to do is say "I hear and obey even if I do not like what I hear. I will obey you, Father! I will obey Your servant, for I know he would tell me to do nothing that is not right no matter how much those around me would speak against it, I will do what is right!" That is what God needs from you, and that is the only thing that will save your fellowship and, all of mankind.

Speaker Gerald Polley

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