Gerald's Thirteenth Letter
To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From Presidential Candidate Speaker Gerald Polley

March 20, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

God The Father was unavailable this morning because of situations that He had to deal with. But he wanted me to speak to you on an important matter. The situation in Tibet has made God feel that it is inappropriate for Christians, Muslims, or, Jews to take part in The Olympics in Beijing as long as the Chinese government continues its illegal occupation and colonizing of Tibet. He believes all Americans should boycott these games until such time as the Chinese government removes its troops from Tibet and its colonists and allows the Tibetan people to freely choose their own leaders and, to follow their religious beliefs without communist interference. For a Christian people to allow such butchery, simply close their eyes to such barbaric behavior for any reason, is totally unacceptable to God! God feels that it may be appropriate for The United States government to forbid American citizens to travel to China until such time as the situation in Tibet is solved in a satisfactory manner with the end of communist oppression in that country.

God was against establishing relations with China while China was still brutalizing its neighbors, still engaged in conquest. The President who disobeyed God's wishes and allowed contact with China now regrets that action deepy because the suffering of these innocent people is on his conscience. This situation should have been resolved before China was given admittance to the world community. Tibet should not have been sacrificed for the sake of economic opportunity. Those who did so will be held responsible. Profit is not everything.

God wishes that you join me in my Presidential efforts and begin to speak out on behalf of The Tibetan People. The mothers of Tibet personally ask you to help protect Their children, and stop the carnage that the Chinese troops are inflicting on them. And God desires that you hear Their pleas and speak out to the public clearly stating that pressure should be put on the Chinese government to end this carnage, and the greatest pressure that we can put upon them is to take away the great financial boost that American tourists going to The Olympics would give the Chinese government. They must be made to understand that if they do not act like reasonable adults and respect their neighbors and return their property to them, others cannot associate with them. If they want to be considered a great nation they must start acting like a great nation, and respect their neighbors' territory, and not try to seize land for expansion.

I certainly hope that you will respond to God's wishes and begin to speak to The American People on this matter, and to support God's efforts to bring independence and freedom to Tibet. For He considers the people suffering there just as much His children as any other, no matter what their particular beliefs. The tears of their mothers are just as distressing to Him as the tears of any other mothers.

On another matter, one of the reasons that God could not be with you this morning was that Jesus was again wounded in the confrontations in Texas. That the creatures of Darkness are still using racial hatred there to raise power against Jesus appalls Him. We still need to get God's message out to the people of Texas to rally to Jesus and drive the creatures of Darkness that are controlling them out. Any assistance in this cause He would greatly appreciate.

There is a possibility that we may be asked to audition for a popular t.v. talent show, nothing definite yet. But God would appreciate it very much if you were to come to North Dakota and record a song with us. There is a recording studio not far from our home. If you could bring a couple of friends that play instruments it would be appreciated. Linda plays the keyboard but it would be nice to have some other instruments to back us up. God suggests the fighting song for Texas, the lyrics of which are on our web site. But we have many others. We would be more than happy to have you choose any one you like. God would like the funds raised by this recording if we could sell it, on ITunes to go to helping Veterans' families with their mortgages, a cause He is still promoting. We would appreciate it if you give this idea some consideration. We gain a great deal of our power with music. Though I am having a great deal of difficulty singing in public I am quite sure we could make it work in a recording studio.

I must tell you that God believes in you! He believes in the power that you possess. He believes that together using the talents we have, we can defeat the Darkness and bring true hope to this world. When God believes so much in someone they should believe in themselves. People say I am arrogant, that I think too much of myself. But with God constantly assuring me that I should continue my efforts, it is hard not to have confidence, not to believe that I can succeed. After all, God has been around for a long time and He's seen a lot of things. If He says it can work, there should be a damned good chance it will work! I just have faith in Him and don't much care what people think, a profound weakness but a good weakness.

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of God The Father,
Who Still Desires That You Fulfill God's Wishes
And Be His Vice Presidential Candidate

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