Homosexuality (Sodomy)

One thing that a True Christian Party in The United States should insist upon is the removal of minority status from homosexuals. Homosexuals are NOT a minority. they are individuals suffering from a severe mental illness. They are not a religion, they are not an ethnic group. They are not a political party. Homosexuality is a disease, a sickness that every normal, rational person should be appalled by. It is what is referred to in The Bible is sodomy, and no Christian person can accept it, can allow it. Because it is against The Commandments Of God. If they do they are not Christian. They have no right to call themselves Christian. They cannot say that they follow God's Way, because God's way does not permit evil.
Homosexuals are protected under laws that keep people from abusing the mentally ill and the feeble minded. They do not need or deserve minority status. It is simply unacceptable and must be reversed.
A true Christian party must strive to establish laws that permit men to defend themselves when they are unwarrantedly approached by members of their own gender that want sexual affection from them. It must be CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD IN THE LAW that men are not allowed to make such propositions to other men. If they do so, the individual insulted by such propositions has every right to drive such an individual away, even to the use of physical force if the person will not depart of his own accord.
That a man shall have the right that if any other man makes such propositions to him, to swear out a complaint against the person making such propositions, to have that person arrested, duly tried and imprisoned for a considerable period of time for making such propositions.
This also applies to women making such propositions to other women.
But also it should be made very clear that no individuals may go out purposely LOOKING for homosexuals for the purpose of physically assaulting them, or, killing them.
This should be considered the same as any other physical assault or murder, and treated accordingly.
The law should protect those that do not want to be accosted by homosexuals, but it should also just as much, protect those homosexuals that do not bother others, and stay in their own circles of association.
It shall also be the purpose of any true Christian political party to see to it that homosexuals are not permitted to serve in the military forces of The United States.
It is a fundamental right of those serving in the military to feel that they can trust those around them not to betray their trust in intimate situations. As long as homosexuals serve in the military this trust will not exist. Homosexuals will always be tempted to lead their associates into immoral behavior, or even use their military position to force associates into immoral acts. Therefore, homosexuality in the military forces is totally unacceptable.
Nor, is homosexual service in police forces and fire departments acceptable, nor, is it acceptable for homosexuals to hold political office.
No matter how much they say they won't, they will be trying to force their views on gender on the rest of the population, which do not accept their sickness.
Only if homosexuals keep their preferences secret, and quietly serve should they be permitted in any kind of public service.
But the moment they start proclaiming that they are gay and proud of it they should be immediately removed from any public office.
Open declaration that a mental illness is acceptable behavior is not acceptable for a public servant.

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