Inheritance Taxes

It should be the purpose of every Christian to abolish all inheritance taxes, both state and, federal, so that Christians and ALL Americans can truly own what they work for all their lives. A person works, builds for his family, and strives all his life, paying his fair share of taxes, then when he dies, the corrupt politicians come and say "Well, in order to inherit what your father built you must pay us a bribe, or we'll take it all away from you."
This is totally wrong! It is not God's way.
What a person has earned in their lifetime, what they have sat aside for their loved ones should be protected. The greedy should not be allowed to make them pay to get what is rightfully theirs. It is simply not the Christian way. Some feel this is right because it makes the rich pay for what they have gained. But it affects the rich very little and only robs from the poor. It must be stopped.

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