An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Hoeven, Governor Of North Dakota

February 18, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To One I Consider An Honorable Man, And A Good Servant Of His People!

I must put a burdon on you as The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God to which you say you are a member of. At the end of this letter is a link to a message I have sent to Senator John McCain. It is very important that he receive this message, that it is known to the entire world, without question, that he has received it. As my declared servant I make it your special responsibility that you see to it that he receives this message and responds to it. I would not send you these instructions unless the matter was of the utmost importance. The letter to Senator McCain explains much. This is a simple service that you can do with little difficulty and I request that you do it for the salvation of the world. We are fighting a battle for the very existence of my children! If The Democrats win The White House, especially if the creature of Darkness Hillary wins The White House the chances of saving Our children would be very slim. As a good Christian I need you to perform this service. If you will not, you cannot, in good conscience say that you are a Christian, that you believe in me, and do my will. And you know the fate of those who worship me falsely. I have given you a position of great importance. Now I ask you to use that position in my benefit. My Kingdom is more powerful than it has ever been before! But that power is impotent because my children on Earth will not take it and use it. Be one of those that takes it and uses it and is part of a miracle! Do not be among those who reject it and find only eternal death. Here is the link to the letter to Senator McCain.

To serve me, to make sure that he gets it, to make sure that he has heard God's message will do you no harm, whatsoever, will, in no way, disturb the people's respect for you. If anything it will make them respect you more because they will know that you have heard God, heard His Angels, and done His will, that you have assisted His servants rather you fully agree with them or not. You did what God asked you to do, and that can harm no man, that can only glorify him. So there is no reason that you should not fulfill my wishes. Ignore the ignorant around you. Ignore the feeble minded. Ignore the cowardly and be one of my children, be one of those that can say "I serve God!"

God The Father,
The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
And Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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