An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ
The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
To The Leader Of The Priesthood In Rome
That Is Called Catholicism

October 14, 2,007

Most Profound Greetings!

I am writing to you to advise you that God The Father has asked my good friend and servant Demetrius, known on Earth as Speaker Gerald Polley, to make a bid for The Presidency Of The United States, to seek the Republican nomination and to win the general election. I know you cannot directly endorse a candidate, but you can encourage your people to support the issues that this candidate supports, to vote for them that are supporting these issues.

Firstly, the creation of a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel, on land in The Sainai purchased from The Egyptians. This is the only peace plan that has any hope of success, the only peace plan that God The Father will accept, a peace plan created by Father Abraham and approved by him as the final division of his inheritance to his children.

Secondly, that under no circumstances can any part of Jerusalem be given to The Palestinians. All of Jerusalem belongs to The Israelis, and ultimately they must be given control of all religious sites in Israel. By their good will others may use sites and visit but it must be The Isrealis that control all of Israel.

Thirdly, you must instruct your people that though you do not approve of abortion it is a cause that is dividing God's people and allowing the creatures of Darkness to sodomize God's children. In this election to protect God's children, to save God's children, it will be permissible for them to vote for a candidate that supports abortion. The People Of God must not be divided by this issue! Sometimes people must agree to disagree on certain subjects for the good of all, and to support someone on the greater issues.

Fourthly, you should instruct your people to support a candidate that fully and completely intends to put an end to the homosexual movement. And you should agree to do all in your power to remove all homosexual teachings from the church, and, to put out all homosexual clergy.

Fifthly, you should instruct your people to support a candidate that desires equality for all women, that no woman should be held back in any job because of her gender, that she should receive equal pay for all work and that promotions should be made according to merit and not gender. The person doing the best job should be the one getting the promotion. Your people should support this.

Sixthly, you should instruct your people to support a candidate that realizes that something must be done about global warming now, that every possible solution to cut down on emissions must be found and used, even if they are temporary measures. It is imperative to preserve a world for our children to live in. We cannot close our eyes while those that will do anything for a profit destroy it! This is only common sense. And the people should support a candidate that has this common sense.

Seventhly, God The Father has asked Demetrius to conduct his campaign by doing good deeds. I ask you to ask all of your people to find needs and fulfill them, and tell the people that you are helping "I'm doing this in support of Speaker Gerald Polley's bid for The Presidency because God has told him to campaign by helping others."

Eightly, you should tell your people to support a candidate that though he believes completely in free speech he believes that a person can express themselves without using foul language. There are times, of course, when a person is extremely upset, that he or she may utter a few wrong words. But vulgar words should not be used in everyday conversation and should not be used in the public air ways. They should not be anywhere that children could gain access to them. If people wish to record DVDs and CDs with adult language on them that can be sold only to adults, and are to be kept out of the hands of children, this would be permissible. But public personalities must stop using obscene language to get attention. They can convey their messages without it.

Ninthly, you should instruct your people to support a candidate that wishes to pass legislation banning all teaching of hate by any religious group or society.. If a person is so ignorant that he wants to say "I don't believe people of different skin colors should live together!" and separates themselves from other people of different skin tones, that's perfectly up to them, if they're that stupid. But the moment they say "Kill people that have a different skin tone than you, kill anyone that associates with people that have a different skin tone than you!" then that is forbidden. No one may instruct others to kill! Anyone may say "Defend yourself if you are attacked, if someone is robbing you, if someone is attacking your family. You have a right to defend them! " But to kill your neighbor because he loves and cares for others is not acceptable! Hate must be stopped! It must be forbidden! We must create a world where it is not tolerated. Corrupt leaders must not be able to use it to insight their people to do evil! And it can be accomplished without violating anyone's right to speak. The people of your society should support that.

It is without doubt that Demetrius needs your support! I wish so much that before the first voting begins you could come to The United States, visit him, sit down and have a long talk with him and discuss the problems that need to be fixed in your priesthood, begin to work on some of those problems in good will and fellowship. For God has sent him to serve you as He has sent him to serve all mankind. He will play no favorites! He will tell what the Muslims are doing wrong, he will tell what the Jews are doing wrong, and he will tell what the Christians are doing wrong, not to condemn, or to spread hate, but to make all right with God, that all can live in peace and harmony with each other.

God has promised those that assist Demetrius great rewards, homes in the stars, worlds of their own to be stewards over. Surely if you listen to God and serve His servant, these rewards will be yours! For God always fulfills His promises, and this no one can deny!

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
And Faithful Servant Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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