February 20, 2,004

What a phenomenal day!  One of the first radio stations to really promote us KROQ, with their hosts Kevin & Bean, they put one of John Lennon's songs on their Christmas album for 2,000 with Linda singing and editing and background by Moby.  It was one of our first major efforts.  Jimmy Kimmel used to work with them.  He was the sports announcer on the station.  So Jimmy's staff arranged for us to be on Kevin & Bean's show as well as Jimmy's.  What an absolute delight it was for us to finally get to meet these wonderful people in person!  We had a delightful time doing a live interview on the show.  And they let us use their computers to send out our morning email, which is below.  Also below, is the picture we presented to them as a gift from John Lennon showing him blessing them for all that they had done for The Kingdom Of God.  What a wonderful, wonderful morning!

February 20, 2,004
The Power Is With Us

Trying to get a few words out to you this morning to describe what is happening here in California. The spiritual aspect of our journey is going beyond belief! We left Fargo Thursday morning. Jesus and Mary Magdalene accompanied us, so that we would have the maximum flow of spiritual energy. There was a darling baby on the plane in the seat directly behind us, and this kept Jesus and Mary Magdalene amused for the whole trip. And there were more children on the second flight. And, our reservations had been upgraded to first class!  So, we got something to eat, which was nice because by that time we were getting pretty hungry.
When we arrived at LA the airport was full of spirits, and as we made our way through it They were crying "God bless you! God bless you for bringing Jesus! God bless you for bringing His power!" When we arrived at the hotel where we are staying, it, too, was full of spiritual welcomers, giving the same cry. We settled in and exhaustion hit us. We managed to get some brief naps before the people with the show came over. We got the preliminaries taken care of and went downstairs for some supper. That one meal cost us as much as our groceries at home would cost for a month, but as we were going down we rambled through one of the unused banquet rooms. It was full of Spirits of every denomination receiving the power of Christ.
When we got to the lounge the lobby was full of religious leaders from every era, and while we were eating Jesus and Mary Magdalene blessed Them, and poured Their power into Them. This was interrupted a couple of times when I had severe cramps and had to get up and go out into the lobby and stretch. Mary Magdalene immediately left whoever she was with and came over to comfort me. But the hotel where we are staying has become Jesus Central, California, the most sacred spot on Earth while we are here. These meetings and empowerings will last right up until the moment we leave. As much power is flowing into California right now, as has come into it in the last twenty years! If Jesus and Mary Magdalene were to leave our presence for even a moment, the flow would literally kill us! But it continues, and it will continue until we leave. The Spirits here have thought that Their people were lost, that They had no hope, but now They are beginning to believe They can fight back and win, that They can save Their children.
We were invited here to praise Heaven's Hero, John Lennon, to perform some of his new music, and that opened the way to bring Jesus' power here. It is a test of what we can do. We don't know how the material aspects will go, but if they go even half as well the trip will be a tremendous success!

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