John Lennon's Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From John Lennon, Apostle Of Jesus Christ, Protector Of The Kingdom Of God
To First Lady Laura Bush

February 13, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings Dear Lady!

You probably find it strange receiving a message from me. I hope you have followed my exploits in Gerald & Linda's magazine and am aware of the incredible circumstances I have been involved in in the last few years. To be called Heaven's Greatest Hero still makes me shudder! I do not believe I am worthy of the praise that I am given because I only did what had to be done at the time. Someone had to speak out and rally the people. And I just happened to be there and do it. I do not think I should be as praised as I am. I am simply a servant of God doing God's will. And that is why I am contacting you.

God is asking you to perform a service, to be part of His glory, and I am asking you if you will do so, because I believe it will help me in my most desperate situation. Ever since this all began I have been trying to reach the one I love most in the material world, Yoko Ono, and turn her from the dark parth that she has chosen that will only lead her to eternal death. But my messages to her have gone unanswered. However, I am convinced that if you were to join our cause, become Demetrius' Vice Presidential Candidate, and join the battle to save God's children, that when Yoko hears of this she might come to believe that what has been said by my beloved friends is the truth, that they do serve God and bear messages from Him and me, that if you stand with them they must be true. It would perhaps give me an opportunity to reach her I still love with a passion that few can understand, and convince her to join the work of God and turn from those dark creatures that have influenced her, and led her to eternal destruction.

It would only be a small part of The Great Effort that you would be involved in, but it would be a part that for me, would be the greatest reward that Heaven could be given. For I believe saving this woman and insuring her eternal life would be of benefit to all that exists. I ask you sincerely, as a servant of God, who is far more praised than he should be, to join us, to join our efforts, to lend your power to mine and defeat the creatures of Darkness, drive them back into the night, and return the purity of God's children. I ask you not as a hero, not as one who has done great things, but as a man who loves a woman beyond all reason, beyond all understanding, and would treasure your assistance in giving that woman eternal life.

A Faithful Servant Of God,
Now And Forever,

John Lennon

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