God's Tenth letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

March 13, 2,008

Greetings My Daughter!

The Kingdom Of God is relishing Its victory with Governor Eliot Spitzer, but several questions have arisen that I have been asked to directly comment on. One, should the governor's wife leave him? In my opinion she would be absolutely justified in doing so. He has violated my sacred laws. Also, should the governor make restitution? Should this money he spent for this prostitute be reimbursed to the state of New York? Absolutely! If he cannot do so immediately, circumstances should be sat up so he could do this over a period of time. But definitely the money spent for this purpose should be returned. Thirdly, I have been asked if the prostitute involved in this situation should be allowed to profit from this situation. Absolutely not! She should be forbidden to communicate with the press, not allowed to write any books on the matter, or in any way profit from her criminal activity. I do not approve of this at all. She should be required to bring testimony in criminal cases, but that should be the only place that she gives information. If she gives interviews freely, does not charge for them, perhaps that would be acceptable. But she should not be allowed to profit from this spectacle.

I know many in the public would disagree with me on this matter. They would cite free speech, but I do not believe that people that have been involved in criminal matters should be allowed to speak freely on them, and profit from them. The public has a right to restrict free speech in some circumstances when it supports criminal activity. I believe this is one of those circumstances.

As for the governor, himself, he neither should profit from this experience. I have offered him redemption, I have offered him a way to save himself, to be honorable again by doing my will and supporting my servant. Do not forget that The Apostles were not perfect men. They made mistakes in their lives. But when They came to serve my Son those mistakes were set aside, and They did His glory and wonder. Perhaps if the governor's wife sees him turning his energies to serving me and my servants she might consider him worthy to remain with. But unless he truly repents his evil I do not see why she should.

I must speak to you on another matter that deeply concerns Us. The creatures of Darkness again attacked my beloved Son in Texas last night. But my Son called upon His greatest tactician who can predict the creatures of Darkness' activity very well and it was decided to lay an ambush. It as not believed that they could gather the forces to attack in many places again, that they would only attack in The Alamo, in Texas. So the risk was taken of removing Forces from other places and bringing Them to Texas.

The tactic was highly successful! We delivered the creatures of Darkness a crippling defeat! But Our concern about them draining the life energy of the living to continue their battles is high. We need information that We cannot obtain quickly, but that is important. We are looking for places where the weak physically, are being destroyed by these efforts. We are looking for places where new born babies with simple ailments that they should recover from, are dying. We are looking for places where the elderly who seem to be in good health, are suddenly succumbing to common diseases. We are looking for places where people that have debilitating diseases suddenly succumb to some common ailment.

We are sure the creatures of Darkness are trying to spread this out, trying to make it less noticible. But We are sure it is occuring throughout the country. If you can get your people to contact medical authorities and get information on these things and give it to Demetrius and Alura, it could help Us locate the places where the creatures of Darkness are feeding and disrupt them, find who is channeling them power, and eliminate them. Unfortunately We are dealing with the most wicked of the wicked and they are doing all in their power to hide their evil, to keep man from becoming aware that they are destroying him for their purposes, destroying their loved ones to empower them. Even if some of the worst are made aware of this they will turn from the creatures of Darkness. If We can prove what they're doing, if We can show the world what they're doing, We can turn people against them. Even the darknest of creatures love their children. They might abuse them, but they do not want them to perish. And this is one of Our greatest strengths. If you can find this information, get it to Us, and make it public!

With the governor of New York I have shown my power, and he should be a warning to all Democrats and, to any Republican involved in evil. We are watching, We are waiting. If We get the opportunity We will strike.! You may be next, if we can expose your evil we will. We will not care what good it appears you are doing, or, how much the public praises you. If We can destroy your power, We will! I warn you all, every single one of you! We are fighting for the very existence of Our children. We will do what We have to do! I have released The Angel Of Destruction who is without pity, or, compassion, who has but one purpose; to hunt and destroy evil. And destroy evil he will!

God The Father,
He Who Rules
The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Stewardship of His Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
And Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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