God's Twelfth Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From God The Father

March 15, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings My Beloved Daughter!

First of all let me speak my praise of you because the peoples' interest in you has performed a miracle. We have not had a direct flow of energy into Washington D.C. since 1855, when the growing hatred caused by the approaching Civil War gave the creatures of Darkness absolute control of that city. We have been only able to bring power into that city by having my physical agents from outside its boundaries carry energy in and distribute it to my Forces working to defend God's children in that place of Darkness. By this means we have supplied all Our efforts in that area. But now We have a direct flow of energy coming directly to The White House and then being distributed from there throughout the city! Though We are still using the courier system, this flow of fresh, vibrant energy is a blessing beyond the understanding of mankind! And it has only occurred for one reason. Because the people believe in you, because the word is going out that I am calling you, and the people are responding. If you were to openly join me We believe this flow could become even more powerful. My praise for you is eternal. My prayer that you not fail me is reaching out to all the world, and the world is responding!

There is a way that you could begin your work that would please me very much. I have a hero, state representative Sally Kern of Oklahoma who has spoken out boldly against homosexuality, who has said without doubt, the truth of it. She is being attacked by Ellen Degeneres, the foulest and darkest creature that those who would sodomize my children have, other than the great harlot herself, who Degeneres supports. I ask you to call the representative, invite her to The White House, and support her. She is only one of thousands who are out there that know the truth, and who the creatures of Darkness are trying to destroy and take from power because they admit they follow me and oppose their evil. We must rally those thousands. We must get them to set aside their differences on other things and rally to my cause and save my children.

The governor of Oklahoma is a creature of Darkness. There is no doubt of that. He is trying to keep God's children from speaking the truth. Perhaps We have found a worthy replacement when the next elections in that state come around, someone who would support God's children, not sell them to the sodomists for votes. The governor said legislators should think before they speak. Absolutely true! They should think that the sodomists must be stopped, that their control of state governments and the media must be ended, that God's people must be allowed to speak without being attacked by those who are mentally ill, and will say and do anything to promote their evil.

Homosexuals complain about their movement being associated with terrorism, yet they openly terrorize and even threaten the good people that speak out and say what they're doing is wrong! These good people will not cause violent acts against them, their sodomizing children will cause violent acts against them. Their attacks on my beloved Son will cause attacks on them. When you are evil the good will attack and speak out. Though I am against any unjustified violence against homosexuals, as long as they are keeping what they do private and not trying to get children to do it, I would leave them in peace. But when they are in the streets attacking decent people because they are speaking the truth the innocent must be defended. The people must rise up and say "No more! These foul things will not call decent people crazy because they oppose them!" They will not be criticized for speaking the truth that what they do is sick and disgusting.

This dear person is criticized because she has said that she will not associate with a creature of evil, this Degeneres. People say this is prejudice. I say it is not and I instruct every person that follows me that says they are my child to have nothing to do with this foul creature as long as she promotes her sickness, as long as she declares that "I am a lesbian and I am proud of it!" no person who calls themselves a follower of God should have anything to do with her at any time. Acknowledging her is supporting her sickness and no good Christian, Jew, or Muslim should do that.

And I again must caution my children not to associate Islam with terrorism! The followers of Muhammed are not terrorists. Those who are committing the acts of terror have no religion whatsoever! They call themselves Islamic but they have no understanding of that great religion. Muhammed has many true followers who are welcomed joyously into my Kingdom and who serve me proudly and well, resisting all evil, including sodomy. These terrorists should always be referred to as fundamentalists, but it should never be claimed that they have anything to do with Islam. I wish you to make this a vibrant part of your vice presidential campaign, as you and Demetrius reach out to the people. My beloved Son has fought side by side with Muhammed against the creatures of Darkness in Iraq, and that battle is spreading into Iran. To so shame The Islamic People is against my desire, and my people must understand that.

Speaking of my beloved Son, His struggle in Texas still continues. We were hoping with the opening of this flow of energy into Washington the creatures of Darkness there would conceed but when they were approached their defiance was absolutely clear. "This place is ours!" they screamed. "These people belong to us! We control them! They follow our desires. You will not take them away from us! They will defeat you, they will have their will! They will do what they want! We will drive You out! You will not reclaim them! They know they are the superior people and they have the right to rule over the inferior. They don't want You! They don't want Your brotherly love! They want to be strong, not weak! We will drive You out! They are ours!" These foul creatures must be proven wrong! The decent people in Texas must prevail. I ask you again to promote Demetrius' message to the people of Texas. We must break the cycle of hate! No man must say another man is not worthy because his skin is of a darker hue. This sickness must be driven out and I call upon you to help my beloved Son drive it out!

But again, I ask you to contact this great lady from Oklahoma and praise her. Contact the media of Oklahoma. Tell them you support this woman, support her right to speak and to express the truth. These are my direct instructions to you.

God The Father,
Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Thorugh The Stewardship Of My Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
He That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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