God's Fourteenth Letter To
First Lady Laura Bush



An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush



March 18, 2,008



Greetings My Daughter!



A few things have come up that I think I should speak to you about. Some of Demetrius' old associates are saying that the tornados that have struck Atlanta, Georgia, are my wrath against CNN because they will not cover Demetrius' Presidential Campaign. He has been asked if this is true. Well, all I will say on this is read The Scriptures and find out what happens to those that attack the servants of God, that reject them. That should be everyone's answer. People ought to see what would happen if CNN starts treating my candidate fairly and telling the public what he is saying. But that will never happen because they are controlled by those that will sodomize God's children, and are working to destroy my beloved Son.



But there is an instruction I want to give you. When you join Demetrius, and I still desire that you do, I want you to assign one member of your staff to a special purpose. I want them to monitor all media, and to make a list of any reporters that call you or my beloved Demetrius homophobes or bigots. And when you succeed and you and Demetrius are President and Vice President, I want you to give no interviews to any members of the organizations that these reporters belong to until these reporters and the supervisors that allowed them to make these comments are dismissed! For example, if a reporter on The New York Times says that Demetrius is a bigot, a racist, then after the election you will have nothing to do with The New York Times until that reporter and the editor of the paper at that time are dismissed, positively and absolutely! All members of the press should know this is going to happen when your campaign begins. I will not have my servants insulted! Demetrius has shed his blood defending the people of color. He has risked his life protecting those that were being abused. He has stood against violence against homosexuals while speaking out against their evil. For anyone to call him these foul names because he speaks my truth is completely unacceptable! I want a clear record kept of any that do, so their offenses can be clearly pointed out. I have no objection to people speaking against what we have to say, if a person wants to support homosexuality and doom themselves, that is up to them. But they will not speak lies of my servants. Demetrius is not mentally ill, he is a perfectly normal man that reacts to homosexuality as any normal man would. And he is not a racist. As I have said, he has shed his blood protecting the people of color and standing for their rights, and the use of these foul names against him is totallly unacceptable. And of course their use against you would be even more unacceptable! Demetrius says a line must be drawn, and I am drawing that line and letting people know here and now, what I want in these circumstances so in a future time, when you carry out my instructions, people cannot say they were not warned.



Demetrius has sent out an email to The National Republican Committee again requesting their support. It will be in his publication for people to see in the future. If you wish a copy of it let him know and he will send it to you.



Again, I must praise you for the flow of energy coming in to Washington. I cannot tell you how joyous my workers are in that city! And it has given Us another benefit. Some of the creatures of Darkness serving some of the worst individuals in Washington were so depressed that this flow of energy has started, that they have deserted their comrads, have left the battle and are seeking safer territory! They have not joined Our effort, but they have left the fight. They will not challenge such power! You should see a great deal of confusion among the ranks of the enemy. We have already noticed some. They are having a very hard time cooperating with each other, beginning to fight amongst themselves, a definite result of this new energy flow. It is disrupting their power! We hope it will disrupt them more. It is still Our goal to defeat Hillary in the primaries and face Obama in the general election.



We still need to spread our videos. We are not getting the number of visits that We like. Every time Demetrius puts up a video we would like to see hundreds of thousands of visits. We would like to see you starting a web site for your campaign as Demetrius' Vice President and putting up your own videos telling people how you support him on the issues without hate, but that We must fight for Our children. There comes a time when things go too far, and the people that believe must not be driven out of government. You have the power, my daughter! You are showing that. You are already accomplishing things that We have wanted to accomplish for years. Just because a few people know that I am calling you the power is flowing to you! If they know you have accepted and have joined the battle, the power will grow!



God The Father,
Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Blessed Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called the Christ,
He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever



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