God's Sixteenth Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

March 24, 2,008

My Gracious Daughter,

I must tell you I am deeply disturbed about what is happening to my beloved Demetrius and Alura and they have so little support. Demetrius had to go to the hospital again Easter morning. He was feeling really terrible and couldn't sleep because he was coughing so hard. When he got to the hospital they found that he had type A influenza. They had to give him breathing therapy and extremely strong cough medicine, and anti viral medication. It is obvious that Alura is also infected, and they are going to have to go back to the doctor today to get another prescription of anti viral medication for her. All totalled it will cost them over $200 just for the medication! They are rapidly running out of credit. As a child of God, as one of my beloved children, I beg of you to get them assistance, find some way to raise them some funds so they can pay their bills. They are very proud. They have many things that I consider of great value, and there must be someone that would be interested in making them available to the public. You and your dear husband are good people. When you hear such a cry for help you should be answering it no matter how much your philosophies differ, no matter how much you don't want to get involved, there comes a time, as good Christians, when you have to say "These good people work so hard! They are trying to do the will of God, and they must be supported! The shame that those who oppose them are raising millions is something that will weigh on the world for decades to come. Many will suffer because they abandoned God's people and let them suffer while they were supporting those that would sodomize the churches and drive Jesus from them.

The creature of Darkness, Hillary Clinton, says that someone of Demetrius' income level could afford $200 or $300 a month for health insurance, and they should be made to purchase it. The money should be taken out of their salaries. You only have to look at Demetrius' situation and the situation of those struggling around him to know that this idea is absolute insanity! It simply will not work and could actually cause a rebellion in The United States if The Democrats try to impliment it. I beg of you, as my daughter, as a child of my house, to reach out to these people with your loving kindness and help them! It is not right that those who struggle so hard to do good have nothing, while those wallowing in evil control the media and keep the public from hearing them. This must end!

On another matter I become more and more angry with what The Chinese are doing in Tibet. They are blaming The Dalai Lama for what is happening there which is an absurdity. The Dalai Lama is a man of peace. He is against all violence and would try to achieve his goals through peaceful protest, and raising the consciousness of the rest of the world. I am responsible for what is happening in Tibet! Through my Agents I am leading the struggle because the communist government in China must be challenged and The Tibetan People are willing to rise up and put pressure on them. They can arrest thousands, but thousands more will replace them. It is time for the people of the world to say to the communist leaders "You are liars! You are filth! You are brutal, sadistic animals who are oppressing an entire nation and trying to crush it, trying to exterminate the peoples' culture, and the world will not allow it!"

The Angel Of Destruction is at work in Tibet and in other parts of China. He wants to show the world what the Chinese leadership is, that they have no conception of truth and they believe that everyone will accept their lies. We must prove them wrong! People closed their eyes before World War II and let the tyrants butcher and conquor until they felt themselves invincible, and tried to take the whole world. We must stop China before it thinks itself invincible!

The mothers of the world are calling out to you. They are saying "Don't let us stand alone against bullets and bayonets! Don't let our children be clubbed to death because they want to practice their religion." Those voices must be heard!

Oh! I forgot to mention, one thing that is making Demetrius and Alura sick all the time is their neighbor is poisoning them with fabric softener. No matter how much she is asked not to, she drenches her clothes in it and Demetrius and Alura's apartment becomes so contaminated they can barely breathe. They desperately need new quarters before this uncaring, unthinking person kills them! Or, some respirators that they can wear when their apartment is contaminated that will filter out this poison. You should be able to get some that would work and ship them to them. But something must be done to maintain their health because the creatures of Darkness are doing all in their power to destroy them!

I should also say in conclusion, that I am very angry with Dick Cheney, that he is still pushing the Israeli government to surrender their territory to The Palestinians, which must never happen. He is a creature of profound evil. Because I will not accept his daughter's sickness he is trying to destroy Israel and some day he will pay dearly for his treachery. Father Abraham has a peace plan, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel. But not one foot of Israel shall be sacrificed! You should separate yourself from this person. You should not deal with him. He is my enemy, he is the enemy of my son. He says Our Way, Our Perfection is not acceptable. He wants his daughter to be allowed her lust, to be allowed her filth, and he will attack any good person that tells the world what she is, therefore, he is my eternal enemy! And you know full well what happens to my enemies and those that support them.

God The Father,
Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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