God's Second Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

February 15, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

I am sad to report to you that it appears that my efforts to reach The Pope will be blocked by his own people. As we are generating the power to make the effort we find that those in Rome that it is intended for are deliberately putting up barriers to block it, that they do not want my power to reach the leaders of their church, that they want their way, the lies of man and not my glory. They would rather doom themselves than give up their false traditions, have men live as men with wives and families instead of the sickness of their celebicy. They would destroy all of mankind to have their sickness!

Demetrius says this period of history will probably be called The Age Of Forsaken Miracles. Worse yet, as Demetrius has been sending the emails to The Catholics and they have been visiting his site, the energy from the anti abortionists that is being used to attack my blessed Son Jesus has actually increased by a great deal! These foul creatures are so lost in their false teachings that even when they know that the power they're generating is attacking the very person that they are supposed to be worshipping they continue to generate it because they have to have their falsity. Their lie is better than my truth. They will not have their Lord and Savior tell them that they are wrong! They would rather destroy Him and have their false religion than have Him reach them with the truth. This is why you are so needed.

Demetrius cannot deal with such evil! He was created to hunt and destroy it, to crush it, to obliterate it. To have such people come to him would be a crime, for he would have to mark them and begin their destruction, and I could not permit that. I must have someone that carries my power, that can go to these people, that can talk to them, reason with them and make them understand that they are not saving the unborn, I do that. I take care of the souls journeying into this world. They do not have to make it their concern. They are destroying the living, they are destroying the very fabric of existence because they believe these lies. When Adam was created he was complete, but he lay lifeless until I breathed the breath of life into him, until he took the first breath. And the same is true with every vessel that I create. It is not alive, it does not have a soul until it takes the first breath and I put the soul within it. Life does not begin at conception, life begins at birth when I put the soul in the body! You know this is a fundamental truth. You have known it from the time you were a small child and heard these false teachings. You knew they were wrong, and you know they are wrong, and you know they are doing grevious harm!

Only you have the power to stop this, only you have the power to make these people understand. It is something that Demetrius is incapable of because of his nature. He cannot reason with such people, he cannot deal with ignorance, you can. You are of my power, you can forgive. You can love.

Again I tell you how great is the need that you answer my call, that you take the place that has been intended for you. Do not think it is a lesser place, for it is not. To serve as Demetrius' vice president and do the great work that you need to do will fulfill the purpose for which you had me give you life, will fulfill the destiny that was intended for you. You told me before you began this journey that you would accept this task, that you would carry this burdon, that you would fight for my children and bring them back to The Light. Why is it now that you hesitate? You know in your heart that every word I am speaking is true, that you were a daughter of my glory and that by your own free will you entered into this life to take up the mission that I am now asking you to take, that you volunteered freely and joyously. Now why do you hesitate? The dear man that your party supports, Senator McCain cannot win. He knows it, you know it, everyone in The Republican Party knows it! Rather it is Hillary or Obama he can't beat them. But you and Demetrius can! Because Demetrius will speak the truth. He will tell the world what this election is; it is a battle between good and evil, between incest and sodomy and decency, between right and wrong, between greed and generosity. And it is that simple! There is nothing in between! If The Democrats win it is very likely that everything I have created on this world will come to an end. Therefore, they must not win! And only you can defeat them by joining your power with Demetrius'. It is that simple!

God The Father,
The Creator Of Heaven And Earth,
Who Rules The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of His Son
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ


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