God's Twenty-Third Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

April 1, 2,008

Greetings My Beloved Daughter!

My time with Demetrius and Alura was supposed to be finished some time ago. My Beloved Son was supposed to return to them and take over the duties of daily communication. Unfortunately the creatures of Darkness will not permit that. My Son is locked in a desperate battle with the creatures of Darkness for the souls of the people of Texas. The creatures of Darkness are determined to drive Him from that sacred ground, and to keep Him from ending their control there by turning the people against prejudice. The battles continue elsewhere, as well. Last evening was particularly bad. The creatures of Darkness launched all out assaults on our three focal points, not only Texas, but in Maine and California as well. The creatures of Darkness have stripped their power from all over the world, and are focusing it in The United States, throwing everything they have at us night after night, trying to break my Son, trying to destroy Him.

It is true that the creatures of Darkness attacking my servants in Topeka, Kansas, and in Oklahoma are raising the power that is being used to attack my Son, and, to keep you from joining the battle. For this is their goal, as well, because this will assure the destruction of my Son, and, the end of my Kingdom. But this is not where the creatures of Darkness got the power that they were using last night. That power came from April Fool's Day, from the hatred and anger and disgust that was generated by many who had pranks pulled on them in the name of this absurdity. It seems like a small thing, but you have no understanding of how many have been sent to eternal death by the words "Oh, come on, God! It was just a prank, just a joke! Don't You have a sense of humor? Can't Your people take a joke?" and I answer "No, I don't! I find nothing amusing at all about ignorant, abusive people doing stupid things to other people for their enjoyment. I find this totally and completely unacceptable!" Many of my messages that my servants send out around this time of year are ignored by people because they think they are jokes, pranks being done to amuse because of this sick tradition.

No, I find the degrading of my people totally unacceptable! And many who do it for profit are sent to eternal death. They say "But God, I'm a comedian! This is how I make my living telling jokes. Some of the things Your people do are funny, other people are amused by them. Can't You understand that?" and I answer "No, I cannot. I sometimes use humor to spread my teachings, to point out the folly of evil, but I never use it to attack good people because they are speaking the truth. If you find such things humorous, you have no place with me!"

Lord Krishna has recently come to me complaining that a foul creature has insulted his way, and degraded his people to make money, and he demands that this person be denied The Kingdom Of God for the crimes that he has committed against his people, and I agree entirely. This person has insulted Lord Krishna, has insulted the joy of his followers, insulted the honor and dignity of their way of life. And that person will be punished for that offense. Goodness should never be ridiculed. Those who live in joy and happiness, in harmony with the world, should never be insulted by those who live in greed and lust. And I will defend the innocent, always, against the ignorant.

I ask you, as my representative in The United States responsible for Christianity to speak out to The Christian People, and to tell them that this behavior is not acceptable. To ridicule hate, to make fun of those that are ignorant, is acceptable. But it is never acceptable to humiliate good people for your pleasure. It is not the way of God. I desire the day that these creatures of Darkness are defeated, that you are serving in the place that was intended for you, that My Son is back on His Throne, and the creatures of Darkness are so powerless that the ordinary Forces in each area can again fend off their attacks. But as long as you refuse to serve, as long as you defy me, as long as you refuse to take your place and listen to the ignorance of those around you, We have no hope of concluding this struggle because the creatures of Darkness conrol the media and will not let the truth be heard, that those who are sodomizing God's children are destroying The Kingdom Of God, and will thereby destroy mankind. Without your support we cannot get this message out, we cannot reach the people. Because you will not serve, because you are afraid a few people may laugh, you are damning the human race, assuring their doom. This is a sad situation (Removed by order of the federal government.) There is no question of it. As much as I would desire to I would not be able to prevent it.

I wish to return to The Holiest Of All. My working through Demetrius every day drains him. We are not compatible. We need to reestablish the daily relationship with my precious Son. But We cannot do that until the creatures of Darkness are vanquished, until the people are rallying to Our call. And without you they will not hear, they will not come. You are sending them to eternal death. I ask you again, to fulfill that promise that you made to me, to do what I sent you into the world to do; lead your people out of the Darkness. You are my light. Shine forth. Do your glory! Do not consider these words a rebuke. They are given in love, the deepest and most sincere love as a warning trying to make you understand the importance of what you need to do. They are not given in anger, but in the deepest love. Because as I say, I know your nature. I know what is truly within your heart. I know what you want to do. And I know what will be for you if you fail to do it. I know my children utterly and completely, and I wish to keep them from harm. And that is why I speak so clearly, so openly, so that you will understand how important my words are, and know that they are truly from me. Because you know I would not lie to you, and all that I say to you is for your good, as all that I say to any of my children is for their good even if it is against something they want very much. If I say no it is for their good.

God The Father,
Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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