God's Fifth Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To The First Lady Of The United States
From God The Father

March 5, 2,008

My Beloved Daughter,

I must explain to you why we suffered the disappointing defeat in Texas and Ohio yesterday, why the creature of Darkness, Hillary, is still in the running. Because her foul forces used the 'N' word. Many coming into the polls in both those states were repeating over and over again, "I can't vote for a n*****!" I won't have Alura spell out the word. You know what it was. We could overcome everything else but sadly this sickness in the minds of some men and women We could not overcome. We turned many votes, and We should've been able to turn enough in both states to give Obama the victory. But because so many were so filled with racism, so filled with the misguided beliefs that if a colored man becomes president their white daughters will be at the mercy of the colored men. It is hard to believe that this sickness exists, that there are those that believe this lie of the creatures of Darkness even to this day. It will not make a difference, however, in the national election, if Obama is the Democratic candidate. If they have no other choice, these people will vote for him, or at least enough of them to give him the victory in those states where this sickness still hangs on. And remember, my Forces will not be helping The Republicans. I asked The Republicans to give my candidate a fair chance, to support him, to let him get out and speak to the people. The Republicans betrayed me, as everyone is betraying me, and would not let my candidate into the system. Where they rejected me, I must now reject them. They have chosen. They have said "We do not want God. We will stand by ourselves!" So be it!

You know McCain cannot win. Your husband knows McCain cannot win. McCain knows he cannot win, that he is leading The Republican Party to sure and certain defeat. Only you and Demetrius can win. Only the two of you have a chance. Only the two of you can stand successfully against these dark powers because you will not run from them, you will recognize them, and you will face them, head on! I still hope to defeat Hillary in the primaries, to defeat her at the convention, to have Obama be the Democratic candidate. Because choosing the lesser of two evils, he is the lesser, and if a Democrat must be in The White House, I would prefer him. But I would rather have a Republican, but as you betray me, as you fail me, and will not do my will, since you and all other Republicans have forsaken me and said I do not exist, have said I am only a delusion in an insane man's mind, and you don't want to be embarrassed by admitting I exist, there is nothing I can do, other than wait for the inevitable and do all I can to keep The Democrats from destroying my children.

You are still the key. You are still the one that can turn the battle around. There are still some primaries that you and Demetrius could enter, and speak my cause, and rally the people. The Republicans could have a viable candidate that will tear into The Democrats, tell the people of America what they are, no holds barred, fight them with everyhing he has, fight them with all my power. But The Republicans want a loser. They would rather lose the election than admit I exist. They would rather let their children be sold into sodomistic lust than accept my truths. They would rather let their country fall into obscurity, become a forgotten dream where people are forced to do what the government wants, where those that do the labor are slaves to big business who does not want to take care of them, that wants to make them fend for themselves, a country that will eventually fall into chaos and be torn apart as Those that will not have their children destroyed begin to fight back.

This is what is coming. This is a prophecy. This is what will happen if The Democrats win. Nothing can avoid it. They will betray Israel, they will let Al Quaida win, the world will be torn apart. This is the choice you have made. This is what you will leave the world. There is no question of it, there is no doubt of it. Decent people will go to prison because they will not accept perversion. Ministers will be imprisoned because they will not marry people of the same sex. Churches will be forced to close because they will not accept homosexual and lesbian members. Children will be made to experiment in homosexual and lesbian relationships to show that they are not prejudice. These are not things that might happen, these are things that will happen, that there is no question that they will happen if you remain silent, if you will not do what I ask, if you will not fight my fight. This is what will happen, because I have said it will happen. We can see it as clearly as you can see the sunny morning, as you can see the smiles on your daughters' faces. These things will happen, it is inevitable, because you will not do what I ask, because The Republicans have failed me, because The Catholics have failed me, because The Mormons have failed me, these things will happen. It is only a matter of time.

It can all be different, it can all be stopped. We can turn it around. We can make The United States a decent place again and then We can make the world a decent place again if you simply say "I believe God The Father is speaking to me, and I will do what He asks, and I will rebuke bitterly anyone who tries to stop me and call them what they are; creatures of Darkness that are trying to destroy God's children." If you will say those things we can win. If you take up my battle we can be victorious, but if you remain silent you will be responsible for the future that is coming. You will hear the cries of every molested child, of every violated child, of every shamed child. Those cries will haunt you forever! My words have been harsh because they have to be harsh. I have to make you understand what you are doing. I have to make you understand what you are creating, what you are doing to my perfection. I have to make you understand you can fix it, and if my words must be harsh they will be harsh because I know the day will come when you will cry bitterly "God, why didn't I hear you when I could've done something, when I could've stopped this? How can I ever bear this shame?"

He That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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