God's Seventh Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

March 7, 2,008

Greetings, My Beloved Daughter!

Again I find myself writing to you on an important issue. As you know, I have asked Demetrius to base his presidential campaign on good deeds. There is an idea that he has been thinking about which I think is wonderful! The President's salary and pension would be all that Demetrius would need to live on for the rest of his life. Being frugal people, him and Alura would need little else. He has written many wonderful stories that people love. There is a 40 page story called "The Fighting President" which is the whimsical story of a psychic who becomes President and how he fights a war against a cruel dictator who slaughters a group of American citizens. It is a very poignant story. Demetrius would like to publish this book, then have it made into a movie starring Harrison Ford as his hero, and give all the proceeds to the government to help pay for The Iraq War. Then he would like to get other famous authors to donate stories and have them published, and perhaps raise enough to pay off the war so that taxes would not have to be raised, the people would not have to be burdoned. Perhaps Alura's old high school guidance counselor Stephen King, would donate a story if he knew its purpose was to provide tax relief to The American People. But Demetrius has been told that he wouldn't be able to do this, that a citizen can't simply give money to the government, no matter how worthy the cause! Could you ask the lawyers at The White House their opinion on this? Is there any way a citizen can get around it, help pay the government's debts, help the American people? This is a good deed Demetrius would like to do, and it appals him that the law is so messed up that when people want to do things to help, they can't because someone believes they would be putting undue influence on the government.

Demetrius was thinking maybe you have something that you would like to do, maybe gather up some of your old things and sell them by auction to help pay for the war. During World War II many famous people did things like this, and went out and did fundraising events to support the war. No matter what people say this was and is a just conflict and we are slowly winning. Though it must be understood that it is difficult to overcome centuries of hate and prejudice and guide a people back to the light, when they have been deceived by the creatures of Darkness so long. It is going to take time. Unfortunately many in America want things done instantaneously. Your dear husband is right! The majority of people in Iraq want democracy, they want peace and harmony among all their different sects. It is only a small minority that want chaos and strife so they can control the people, so they can use their hate and prejudice. Those valiant Americans dying in this cause are dying for the hope of the world, for the survival of mankind, and their effort is not in vain. And every American should help support them.

Help Demetrius in this effort! Find him a publisher for this story. Let's raise the funds and then find a way to have them used. Glorify me by having my children do good things in my name. You don't know what joy this brings to me.

PS Alura is not familiar with who the senior female actresses are nowadays. She doesn't know who her age would be available to play her if this story was made into a movie. She would appreciate your suggestion.

God The Father,
The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Stewardship Of My Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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