Gerald Polley's Letter
To The Republican National Committee


The Embassy Of The Kingdom Of God
And The Grand Alliance
1013 1/2 N 3rd St.
Bismarck, ND 58501
(701) 323-0241

September 15, 2,007


I am Speaker Gerald Polley, an internationally known psychic currently working out of Bismarck, North Dakota. My wife and I publish a small metaphysical magazine on the internet called "Voices From Spirit" and produce audio messages entitled "Here's Jesus!" that we put up each day on the itnernet. We have long been supporters of President Bush from before his first election, which we tell people The Kingdom Of God helped him win, that he would not have won without The Kingdom Of God. We have been supporters of the war in Iraq. Because of an incredible set of circumstances God, Himself has been working with us since May 26, and will be with us until September 26, when His Devoted Son Jesus will return to His duties.

During this visit many things have happened. A friend of ours started joking around and saying that I ought to enter the presidential primaries. God began to take this matter very seriously, and we began to send out emails talking about it to our associates around the country, and the idea has become more and more serious. So at this time God has directly asked me to approach The Republican Party and ask for financial and logistical support in this endeavor. God wants to see how many votes a true believer in The Afterlife could gather, how much support a person who openly admits that he speaks to Him and Jesus directly every day could muster, if a true believer would actually have a chance to be elected President! No offense to any of the candidates now running. God believes most of them are good Americans. But He does not believe that they have the aggression to beat The Democrats. And The Republican Party needs a candidate that will speak out forcibly and strongly against the evils that are threatening not only to destroy The United States, but to destroy all of mankind, to make Earth a lifeless wasteland.

There are some of our principles that some Republicans will disagree with, but it is God's hope that if we get to speak and explain to them why He opposes their doctrines that we can win them over, that we can make them understand for the greatest good of all they must set aside their false teachings and accept God's truth, no matter how much they want to follow the desires of man. These are extremely dangerous times, and God is directly asking for the help of The Republican Party, to support his efforts, to bring forth a candidate that can defeat the harlot, Hillary Clinton, and save God's children.

I guarantee you this is something I never dreamed of! I have never wanted to be President! I think it is a thankless, impossible job that no man in his right mind would want! But God has asked me to do something, and when He asks me to do something I do it to the best of my ability! I give my all! And if God wishes me to try to obtain this position and to serve in it I would serve in it to the best of my ability doing what was right in every circumstance. I have never refused to do anything that God has asked me to do, because I know full well the folly of doing so! God never asks anyone to do anything that they are not capable of. I know if He asks me to do this, though I would have difficulties, I would be able to do a good job. And that is why I am putting forth this proposal to you.

What God wants most is financial assistance so that we can begin to reach out to the different states that have primaries and get on the ballots.

One favor God would like very much if possible before the 26, is to have Governor Schwarzenegger of California invite us out there and register us as Republicans. My wife and I have always worked as Independents, but now God officially wants us to become Republicans, and believes that Arnold registering us would be a great kickoff to our efforts. Here is a link to a site we have prepared stating some of the principles that we would be working for. It also contains some rough commercials that were actually created by God, Himself, that we have been circulating to our friends on radio and television. No matter what, our campaign will continue! It is God's wish. It is God's will. But with your support it might become a campaign that will change the world, that will save mankind.

There is a documentary available about our efforts in President Bush's first election. It is called "Where Has Eternity Gone?" and was produced by the documentarist Barney Snow of London, England. He was drawn to us originally, because of our work channeling music from the former Beatle, John Lennon, but became fascinated with the work that John was doing for The Kingdom Of God including his support for President Bush. We consider it a wonderous work. If you could obtain a copy we are sure it would help you understand why we want so much to be a part of this political process.

Yours In The Service Of All Who Have Come Before,

Speaker Gerald Polley

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Gerald Polley, internationally known psychic, channeling God.