over, my father was never the same again. He had been a good Lord God , and everyone thought that because of his actions after the Second Eastern Rebellion, he would have been merciful with the Western rebels, also. What happened was beyond belief. Some people think that sometimes he may have taken my brother into The Holy of Holies with him, while he did those awful things that I cannot even speak of. But when my brother went back to other duties, he was a different man.
15 He was sent on an exploration mission and a month out the second-in-command relieved him and brought the ship back. He accused the crew of mutiny, but in private they told The Lord God the strange orders my brother had given them; orders so degrading that no decent man could obey them.
16 The Lord God, in his infinite wisdom, released the crew from charges, and relieved my brother of command. He assigned him as a Teacher at The Academy, but he got in trouble there, ordering the Cadets to visit his quarters and do things that were not part of the curriculum. So The Lord God took him out of Service completely. That was when I was called home.
17 My father was quick about it. He had always intended my brother would be heir, that he would be Lord God. But since his mind was gone, that couldn't be. Barely had I stepped off the ship, than he announced me and less than a year later, when The Lord God's rejuvenation failed, I was Lord God. For the second time I sat in The Holy of Holies, but THIS time I, alone, was there to commune with The Holy Spirit."
18 Seeing his father's depression, Morn decided it was time to change the subject. He had learned what he wanted to know, anyway. "Father," he inquired, "what is it like in The Holy of Holies? Do you actually hear the Spirits speak when you sit in it?"
19 "It is not exactly like speech," explained The

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