13 When they got back to Academy the entire crew was given an official commendation, something very rare for Cadets that had not yet graduated. North was still in bandages on the day before their Final Exams when the entire class of four-hundred-and-ninety-two were marched into the lecture hall for their last joint session.
14 They would have some fond memories of this hall. From the lectures and films they had seen here, to the play each class was required to put on. But now they had too much on their minds to think of pleasant things as the Commandant walked out to the podium and motioned the Cadets to stay seated.
15 ''I am pleased," he announced, "gentlemen, to still see so many of you here. I will ask you now, to bow your heads in a moment of silence for the Cadet that was recently lost, and a short prayer of thanks for the one that was saved. That only seven of you flunked out last year, pleases me. And from your grades, I think all of you will be here for graduation.
16 This is your last official lesson, and I always conduct it myself. The subject of this lecture, gentlemen, is 'Honor'….a small word, with a lot of meaning. But when you take the command seat of a starship, no matter what her class, it is a word that takes on tremendous meaning. For whenever you enter a system, you are the highest authority of your Lord God that is on hand. The Lord's Guard, local governors, all civilian administration is always answerable to the highest military Commander in that section. Don't ever forget that.
17 You are the representatives of your Lord God. Whatever decision you make, whatever action you take, The Lord God is bound by it, unless it is a complete violation of regulations. So every word out of your mouth has to be carefully weighed before it is spoken.
18 Many a career has been ended by hastily given orders. Don't let yours be. Never forget the incident of the Second

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