Chapter Twenty-Seven

For two-and-a-half days the crew had to deal with crying, sick children, extra gravity, and a persistent enemy that, like themselves, took extra Gs in the hope of overtaking and destroying them.
2 "We'll have to slow down," warned Helm, as they approached the leap coordinants. "We can't leap at this speed. We'd end up in the middle of The Empire."
3 Morn looked at his instruments. The enemy behind them was dangerously close. The little girl in his lap moaned, shifted her weight, trying to get comfortable, and went back to sleep. The boy at his feet, about three years older than his sister, continued to play with the toy ship the Engineers had quickly put together, ignoring the extra gravity.
4 Morn had wanted to leave his charges in his cabin, but the little girl had cried so, he had brought them with him. All the Officers on the command deck were either holding a child, or had one sleeping or playing at their feet. The children seemed to be terrified of letting their new-found protectors out of their sight. Perhaps this was easily understandable.
5 "We'll slow down," agreed Morn, "only long enough to make the leap. I wish we didn't HAVE to at all. Some of these children aren't going to make it, but none of them would survive if we had to make the run by star drive."
6 Morn knew that a Commander often might have to make such decisions, but it didn't make it any easier. Four or five of the children would not survive the leap, but none of them would if he didn't make it. So he had to think of the many instead of the few.
7 Still, after visiting sick bay, and seeing those little ones still fighting for life, Morn wanted to cry. But he would still do what had to be done, and pray those little souls would forgive him.

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