easily. I must find some way to get through North's stubborn nature, and get him to agree to The Council's conditions. North can be stubborn at times, especially when his pride is hurt. He feels I have betrayed him, and I could never do anything of the kind!"
18 "Perhaps," suggested the Aide, "if I have your permission I could attempt to speak with General North. Perhaps he will hear your reason through me."
19 "I can't keep you from trying," encouraged Morn, "and I can only wish you luck!" The Aide nodded, gathered up the papers, and left.
20 A few hours later a female Guard led him through the prison to General North's cell. As he entered, The General looked up from his cards, then turned back to the robot on the other side of the table. "Damn!" he snapped, "You beat me again! If this keeps up you'll have your purchase price before I'm out of here!"
21 "I hardly think," answered the droid, "you'll be here THAT long, General!"
22 "You never know," answered North, "When your best friend hangs you out in the wind you don't have much chance against the wolves."
23 "That's unfair, General!" put in Bright Serpent. "I know you are referring to our Lord and he would never betray a friend. Like all of us, he is bound by The Law.  You are not used to that idea. You are used to a system of Government where the Leaders make their own Laws and perhaps that is the kind of Government you still want."
24 A flash of fire came into North's eyes that made the young Aide chose his next words very carefully. "But I am sure," he continued, "that you will see reason and realize our Lord did only what he had to do.
25 He seeks counsel with you so he may explain his actions, and your stubbornness in refusing to grant him a visit is unfair. He has done all in his power to repair

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