on your very best behavior because we will be Representatives of The Republic to these people. So we must always act our very best. Now, off to bed, all of you! There's a lot to be done."
137 North sat down and rested for a few minutes while his wives put the children to bed. When they returned they lit the candle for evening prayers, and sat by the altar. North joined them in the Praise The Lords, but didn't offer any prayers himself.
138 "Why don't you join us, my mate?" Valley Blossom invited. "You do not have to be a member of the Church to pray! We know how much you love The Lords."
139 "I pray," answered North, "in my own way. And I know all The Teachings by heart. Didn't one of The First Speakers say it didn't matter where and how someone prayed, only what was in his heart?"
140 "You never get a quotation quite right!" laughed Sweet Cloud, "But you always understand its meaning."
141 "You two need your prayers," announced North, "I need something else. You know where I'll be when you're ready!"
142 The next morning North had little to do. He had caught up on all of his back reading, written a couple of articles that some magazines had requested. The children were in school and his wives were out working on some community projects. Only his Security Guard paced by the outside door.
143 North decided he wanted a walk by himself, but he knew his Guard would stick like glue. SO when the Guard wasn't looking North slipped out the front door, down the halls, and took the public transport into the nearby village. He was wearing a plain jacket and nobody paid much attention to him.
144 He wandered around the village for some time, then he happened to notice he was standing in front

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