Morn ordered in a stern voice. "Depart. Return to the battle before I charge you with desertion!"
18 They had brought cushions and placed them behind Morn, and North gently laid him on them. "This world," he said, "is not worth the blood that flows out upon it. Some day it will be reduced to a wasteland for that terrible thing that is done here today."
19 He picked up his sword and shield and headed back for The Temple. His return journey was even more terrifying than his coming! The hallways were littered with Godden dead by his passage. In The Temple he found his troops had taken The Great Hall and were at the
doors that led to the steps of The Holy Of Holies. "What are you waiting for?" North screamed, "Go in!"
20 "We can't," explained The Squad Leader, "We've lost four men in trying. There's some kind of new weapon. It passes right through our shields and kills instantly. But we can't spot the source. It seems to move."
21 North edged over and peeked in the door. The room was full of defenders. North could see them clearly. Several pointed their swords at him and fired. He darted back. "There's troops in there," cursed North, "just ordinary troops. Can't you see them?"
22 "The room is empty, Lord," the Fighter told North.
23 "They can't see them, North," came Morn's voice, and North turned to see him standing opposite, "as they cannot see me, or those with me. You see in there The Lord Gods of many generations protecting that that has been their Master for so long." Morn drew his sword. "But now that will come to an end. We will clear a way for you, North. The rest is up to you."
24 North saw his father step up beside Morn, drawing his sword. "Shall we meet their blades, sir?" North's father asked.
25 "Let it be so!" Morn cried.

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