7 But The Turner Against had Agents in those systems. As the years passed those Agents brought more and more disturbing reports. Despite all treaties, all agreements, The Goddens were beginning a massive building program for warships.
8 The Turner Against and his Aides studied the reports carefully. "At this present rate of construction the General Of The Fleet announced they will surpass our numbers in two years. It is a direct violation of the peace treaty, and an act of war. We should attack now, while there is still time."
9 "I cannot see, with our Security and population," The Turner Against argued, "where they could possibly get the crews for so many vessels."
10 "Droids," explained The General Of The Fleet, "very primitive and cheaply produced units they call PRUS. They don't use crystalline power packs which The Goddens are short of, but primatave batteries which only give them two hour's functioning time, without recharge. They must be plugged into their stations to perform prolonged duty.
11 The ships they're building are designed to be operated by these droids. Only their prime crew will be organic. There are even rumors that for the first time women are being impressed into the Service, serving in secondary positions only."
12 "I'm afraid," admitted The Turner Against, "our enemies have learned from your father, General. We must match their building program, reactivate ships from the reserves, take old vessels that have been used for other purposes and refit them. I want to match them, ship for ship."
13 A few months later The General Of The Fleet rushed into The First Speaker's office. "We have just received," he cried, "an interrupted message from one of our Agents.

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