7 The Children of Spirit were quick to obey. The column turned and massed, and fought through the enemy at their rear, who could not hold them. After a time the shouts and noise died away and Red Cat felt sleep come over him.
8 When he awoke, he sat up, startled, the sand that had covered him, falling away. He felt his head, but the wound was gone. Where it had been hurt, it was healed. He looked at the hole in his coat and the shirt beneath, but the skin beneath the holes was smooth; no sign of an injury! "This can't be!" he muttered, "I was shot....I KNOW I was shot! Nothing else would hurt so bad. What happened?"
9 "We used Our Power," came a Voice, "to heal the wounds."
10 Red Cat spun around to see a Warlock standing near him, but the man was dressed in a tunic and leggings, not in a jacket and pants of a modern man. "Who are you?" demanded Red Cat, "And what do you mean, you HEALED ME?"
11 "Who I am does not matter," the Stranger answered. "I was a Servant of The Lords like you. I dreamed Dreams and fought battles and served my people as you do. And I simply mean we took these-" he put two spent bullets in Red Cat's hand- "out of your body, and healed the damage they had done."
12 Red Cat held the bullets and looked at them in disbelief. "That's impossible!" he groaned.
13 "If you say so," the man answered. "Come. We had better gather up what you need, and get out of here. The enemy will return soon, to search the dead for valuables. Here is a helmet, gun, and extra ammunition. You will need them."
14 Red Cat saw an outline beneath the sand.

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