him. They came to a hill that had steps going up it. At one time men must have quarried stone here. There was one block of stone sitting out at the foot of the steps, and The Guide motioned for Red Cat to sit. "Stay awhile," he ordered, "we will answer your questions."
24 Red Cat was looking at his Guide. "We?" he asked.
25 The Guide pointed to the steps, and when Red Cat looked back, hundreds of people sat on them.  They wore the clothes of all different years. The men were all handsome, the women all beautiful. "Lord," he asked, "how do you do the things you do? How do you make a sword glow with fire? How do you make the lightning strike down our enemies? Or, were these just circumstances?"
26 "It is not a coincidence," answered one man, "when We guide Our Children to a place we know a storm is going to be, and then direct that storm's fury against the enemy. We have two kinds of Power that We use for Our Peoples' benefit..... one is The Natural Power of this world, the Power that is generated by the wind and the rain, The Power that is in all living things, THIS we can use for many purposes.
27 There is also The Power that Our Children make, and send Us, and which We increase, and use to do many wonders through those of Our Servants, which are the instruments of Its use."
28 Red Cat shook his head. "I am a stupid man, Lord," he remarked. "I hear your words, and I know they are true, but to me they make no sense."
29 The Lord speaking put back his hood. "In order to heal your wounds," he continued, "We had to use a great deal of Power that We had stored for many years. It was made from the people's prayers.

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