Chapter Ten

    It was four days before the elections, and they were back at headquarters when one of The Young Speaker's favorite Aides came into Bullet's office and sat down on his desk. She was practically in tears. "What's the matter with you?" Bullet asked.
2 "The strangest thing," she answered, "he's always taken me everywhere he goes. He's always said I'm indispensable, but he's flying to some special meeting in Western and he won't let me go! I don't understand! Did I do something wrong?
3 He said the Place he was going to I couldn't come to yet, but when it was time for me to go there, he would come back for me and bring me there himself. I've been to Western dozens of times. Why should THIS trip be any different? He left ALL of his regular staff, only took one Guard and the Pilot! Must be SOME secret meeting!"
4 Bullet sat down his pencil. "Where IS he?" he asked.
5 "Must be in the garage by now!" the woman answered. Bullet ran from the office. He got to the garage just as The Young Speaker was getting in the car. He held the door and Bullet leaned inside. The Young Speaker put his finger to his lips. "Not a word," he cautioned.
6 "Why me?" pleaded Bullet, "Why must I be the only one to know?"
7 "Because someone has to be prepared," explained The Young Speaker, "'to still have his reason while the others are reeling in shock. There must be someone to stand and cry 'Fight on! The battle is yet to be won!' and you are the strongest, you are the one with the most courage. You are the one who can bear the waiting." The Young Speaker put out his good hand and touched Bullet's shoulder. "I am proud," he praised, "to call you friend!"
8 Bullet answered, "I'd better get out of here before I lose that courage!"
9 The Young Speaker nodded. Bullet shut the door and

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