watched him give a final wave, as his Guard drove away.
10 The rest of the day Bullet sat in the common room by the phone. The reports from Western were that the meeting had gone well and that The Young Speaker was air borne, heading home. In another part of the city, a wrinkled old man, wearing only an old style loin cloth sat with his legs crossed on a large cushion in the midst of a lavishly decorated room. About him lay many handsome young men and beautiful young women. Most of the young men wore only shorts. Some of the women wore only underpants, or very thin, revealing robes.
11 The double doors at the far end of the room opened. A man came in, walked half-way across the room, fell to his knees and continued on until he bowed down and kissed the edge of the cushion. "Priest Of Priests," he whispered, "Voice Of Our God, all is ready. He is on his way. It is but for you to give the word. Your Messenger awaits his mission."
12 The Priest Of Priests slid off the cushion. "Tell him, then, to depart" he ordered. "Soon this young Voice Of The Children Of Spirit will be silenced, and with his Power broken, those gains we have lost will be regained. His followers cannot hold together without his guidance. The glory of The One True God will return. Arise, be gone. Send forth my Messenger."
13 The Priest Of Priests walked over to a young couple chatting. "You two," he ordered, "come with me. I want to celebrate our glorious victory that is coming." He pulled apart some curtains into his private chamber. "You will first please each other," he insisted, "then each of you will please me."
14 He shut the curtains behind them. At Northern's airport, a small, private jet taxied onto the runway and took off, heading west. A few minutes from the city, it met another plane coming east. The Pilot of the other plane tried to veer away, but the other jet veered into

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