An Open Letter From Mary, The Mother Of Jesus
To Jay Leno Of "The Tonight Show"

November 3, 2,007

Most Profound And Beloved Greetings!

I have been extremely busy and have only recently heard that in a short time you will be leaving "The Tonight Show," and the thought of you being out of public service deeply disturbs me. I have always been a fan and cannot understand why your popularity has descended of late.

I came to our beloved Demetrius (Speaker Gerald Polley) who is campaigning for The Presidency and asked him to offer you a position with the people that will be serving him in The White House. Perhaps as the person who directs those writing his addresses to the public. Here is the address to his web site, where he is telling the people what he plans to do if they accept his leadership.

Demetrius said that you would not possibly be interested in that position., that he was sure you already had many projects lined up. "Well, I am sure," I informed Demetrius, "that there is some position among all these people that you will have working for you that this great man would be interested in. Do let him know that you would accept his service." And Demetrius assured me that he would let you know that if you were interested in some position with his staff that you would certainly be welcome and appreciated.

So I do ask you to get in contact with Demetrius and tell him what position you would be interested in. He already has someone in mind to talk to the press that I want very much to have serve him. But I am sure there must be something in this great endeavor that you would like to do. The thought of you not serving God disturbs me greatly. You should have a place among the great men taking part in this wondrous adventure. Do speak with my dear Demetrius. He is the most gracious of men and I am sure that if the two of you were to meet one another you would immediately be friends and be striving together to do the great works of God. Do fulfill a great admirer's wishes and seek that friendship. I know you will value it.

The Mother Of Him That Is the Lord Of Heaven
And A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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