An Open Letter From He That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
To President George W. Bush

September 22, 2,007

Most Profound Greetings!

By now I hope you have heard that my devoted Demetrius is making a bid for The Presidency at my bequest, that I wish to see if someone who truly believes, who communicates with me and my Son every day can become President. I want to see how many votes he can get. I wish his name to be entered in all the primaries and I wish him to become the Republican candidate. With all sincerity I ask you to join this effort. I ask you to put your unquestioned support behind Demetrius who is called on Earth Speaker Gerald Polley. Demetrius desires that if he is elected you stay on as his secretary of state. We wonder at the legality of this, but we see no reason why it could not happen. Demetrius needs your experience, your knowledge of the political system. Though he has worked with many politicians this is his first effort to obtain a political office, which is actually a shame because mankind should've been using his talents long ago. But his honesty has always been a problem, and people desiring that he take political office have been wary of it. But I say it is not a problem! I say it is a tremendous benefit to The American People! To have someone in The Presidency who is totally and completely honest, that will always do what is right, that would do what he promises no matter what, is something that The American People should've had for some time.

I have also written to your mother and father and your wife, asking their support. I ask you, with all sincerity, to encourage them to follow Demetrius' wishes because they are my wishes, they are my desires, and if they do so I will joyously glorify them and they will become great in my Kingdom as will you, if you follow my desires. People say we have no hope, that we cannot possibly win, but if all the truly great in The United States stand with us we can overcome the creatures of Darkness and win! With you standing with us our chances would be good. I ask you to be with me!

Here is a link to his web site where he is beginning his campaign. Read what he is trying to do and tell me why you cannot support it.

God The Father
Ruler Of Heaven
Through The Stewardship Of
My Son Jesus Christ,
Now, And Forever

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Gerald Polley, internationally known psychic, channeling God.