God's Second Letter To President George W. Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To President George W. Bush

March 8, 2,008

Greetings To A Beloved Son!

Below is a letter I have sent to your wife. I still desire greatly that she join my servant Demetrius, become his vice presidential candidate and help him win the election. I have given you my feelings on this before, but I am afraid today I must give you a small rebuke. I am very much against you vetoing the legislation outlawing waterboarding. I do not believe a responsible nation, a great people, should approve of torture. It should never be acceptable under any circumstances. Though I undersand the temptation and sometimes the feeling of the need of it, the people of God do not resort to such measures. It is against all my principles and you know that! American soldiers must be known for their honor and their dignity. Any enemy that falls into their hands must know that they will be treated with honor and dignity. They may be tried for their crimes and swiftly executed in an humane manner, but they will know that they and their loved ones will not suffer in the hands of The American People. This is something that every enemy must know, that must never be forgotten. That The United States will dispense justice but it will never be cruel, because that is not my way, that is not the way of God. You know this, and you should stand for it. There should be no question of it. It is the way of God's people. If the current legislation is unacceptable, ask for clearer legislation. But any American soldier who tortures an enemy prisoner should be held accountable, for he has committed a dire crime. This is my wish and it should be your wish, also.

God The Father

Sent With The Letter To The First Lady & The Veterans Of Foreign Wars.
Click Here To Read It.

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