An Open Letter From He That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
To Rudy Giuliani

September 23, 2,007

Greetings Rudy!

I am leaving this message for you as I depart from the time that I am spending with my devoted Demetrius and his courageous wife, known on Earth as Speaker Gerald Polley and Linda Polley. I must ask you to end your campaign for the presidency. You know as well as I that you are a good man, you have good ideas, but you cannot win. And by dividing the forces of The Republican Party you may well put the great harlot, Hillary Clinton, into The White House. I ask you in all sincerity, as a member of my great family, to depart from your own campaign and to support my devoted Demetrius in his. We must wipe that foul grin from the great harlot's face! We must remove her from power! And we must begin to bring stability back to the world. But Demetrius has a place for you. He would like you to be his secretary of labor if he becomes President. He wants to surround himself with courageous and talented people that will serve the people as well as they possibly can, even those that disagree with them, while standing for the things that they know are right. You will disagree in some small things, but if you listen to Demetrius you will know that he serves me and that his heart is great. And he desires to do only that that is good for all. If you were to join our effort it would begin to grow. The power we have would spread throughout the nation as you reach out to others and say "This is the one! This is the man who should lead our country! Though he is unknown, or little known, he is not unknown, he must be made well known! The people must understand that he is their best chance to live and go to the stars.

Mankind cannot be lost! Right now we are winning the battle. But to have the ultimate victory we need you at our side. I ask you to read the other letters that I have written to other members of The Republican Party, and to consider deeply what I have said to you. You cannot win. But if The Republican Party rallies behind my true voice, opens their hearts to him, and hears what he has to say, we can perform a miracle. We can awaken the American people! The struggle will be hard, some will hate you if you obey me, some may even desire to do you harm because they so fear the light that I shine upon the world. But no matter what, you will know that you have obeyed me and you have done what needed to be done! Succeed or fail, you will have been my son, you will have been my child and stood with me.

Some men say I am dead, that my age has passed, that what I stand for is gone. It is now every man for himself, every man for his own pleasure and his own desires, and no mercy for anyone else. I ask you to prove them wrong! I ask you to prove that there are men that when I speak to them I touch them, will feel my touch, will hear my voice, will set aside their own desires and do what is best for the sake of all.

To be The President Of The United States would be a great thing, but to save the entire human race would be a greater thing, would be a thing that a man would be honored for for all time. I ask you to save my children, to join the fight and to ask others to join the fight. I ask you to give what you desire the most to someone else for the sake of all, and I believe you are the kind of man that when you come to understand the cost of saying no, you will say yes! I will be with you, you will know that this message is from me, and as soon as my Son is available He will also counsel you that this message is truly from me, and that you should follow my wishes.

Here is a link to his web site where he is beginning his campaign. Read what he is trying to do and tell me why you cannot support it.

God The Father
Ruler Of Heaven
Through The Stewardship Of
My Son Jesus Christ,
Now, And Forever

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Gerald Polley, internationally known psychic, channeling God.