An Open Letter From Sarah, The Mother Of Israel
To The American People

October 3, 2,007

Most Profound Greetings!

I am writing to you today on a very important matter. My dear friend Demetrius has been asked by God to run for the Presidency Of The United States, and the women in The Afterlife are very excited that they may have an opportunity to have someone in The White House that would really support the issues they are interested in. One of those issues is what to do with pedophiles, men and women who have molested children but must be released from prison.

The ladies came to me with a petition suggesting this solution, that five special communities be set up in The United States; one in Miane, one in Florida, one in Nebraska, one in California, and one in Washington State. These communities should be closed communities. All traffic in and out of them should be monitored. No one should be allowed in these communities that is under 18 years of age. Absolutely and positively no children should be allowed within one mile of these communities! These communities should have all the latest facilities for health care and entertainment, and when pedophiles are released from prison they should be required to live in these communities. They should be given work there and a place to live. As long as they stay in these communities and do not try to contact children by any means they will have the freedom of the communities. But if they leave these communities and get in contact with children they would be arrested, sent back to prison where they would spend the rest of their lives. I brought this proposal to Demetrius, and he agreed wholeheartedly, if he became President he would indeed make every effort to set up such communities. And if it became necessary he thought additional communities might be needeed in North Dakota and Texas, and perhaps one in Alaska. He rather liked the idea! I hope The American people will and support his bid for The Presidency so he can put it into action.

The Mother Of Israel,
And A Devoted Servant
Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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Linda Polley, A Devoted Servant Of Sarah, The Mother Of Israel.