Any individuals taking funds from these insurance agencies for their own purpose shall be prosecuted under the statutes of the common law.

It shall be the responsibility of The National Dragon to see to it that all states are administering these insurance agencies in compliance with the law. If it is found that any state official is using these agencies for his or her own gain or forcing people to pay for insurance, they shall be removed from office and turned over to the local officials for prosecution according to the general statutes.

Section 16

It shall be the responsibility of The National Dragon to enforce the laws of sexuality that are recognized by The Republic in that only the male and female relationship is recognized. No other sexual relationship shall be allowed in The Republic under any circumstance. If those practicing other sexual behavior do so in private and do not bother others local municipalities shall not bother them. But if they should start proclaining in public that their particular sexual desire is acceptable and should be allowed in public, they shall be arrested and imprisoned for that term that is laid out in the general statutes. It is recognized that all sexual practices outside of the male and female relationship are mental diseases that do harm to those practicing them, and, those around them, and therefore are forbidden by the law. The Dragon, at no time, shall attempt to pass any laws approving of mental disorders. Any member that tries to do so shall be immediately removed from their position and the governor of their state may appoint a replacement to hold their office until the next elections.

Section 17

At no time shall The National Dragon or any state Dragon pass any legislation prohibiting a woman from having any medical procedure that her and her physician deem that she should have, especially in the case of an abortion. Any individual that tries to restrict a woman's right to any medical procedure that she deems necessary other than those that mutilate her physical appearance to make her appear male, shall be punished in the manner laid out in The Book Of Common Law. No one has a right to interfere in others' medical decisions except in those cases where individuals are doing harm to themselves because of a mental disorder. Abortion is an accepted medical procedure and no one has a right to interfere wih it. It is between the woman and whatever spirituality she recognizes and is no business of anyone else. Others may voice their objections to abortion but they cannot force their beliefs about it on others. This is totally against Spiritist principle.

Section 18

At no time shall The National Dragon or any state Dragon pass any law discriminating against the female gender in any way. Women are to have every right and privilege that is guaranteed the male population. Any member of this body that shall, in any way, try to take away any of the rights that The Republic grants to any citizen because of their gender, shall be removed from his or her office and forbidden to hold any office anywhere again, to serve the public in any way. This is an absolute! The rights of our sisters shall be guaranteed by The Republic, fully, and, completely! They shall be able to work at any job they are qualified for, receive equal pay to any man, have the right to privately own property, to vote in privacy, casting their ballot as they see fit, to handle their own finances as they see fit, without having the authority of a male over them. Once a woman is of age she is her own person. If she wishes to follow the guidance of her father and, her family, and do their will that is her privilege. If she wishes to have her own life and live her own way, that is her right. Whatever a woman chooses shall be her right. And if anyone tries to force her to obey their wishes by force or threat, they shall be imprisoned according to the statutes of The Civil Law.

Section 19

Though The Republic is a religious state, based on the principles of The Spiritist Religion, The National Dragon or, the Dragon of any state shall pass no legislation restricting the religious practices of others living in their territories. Each religious group may have their religious celebrations according to their traditions except in two principles that are absolutely forbidden under Spiritist law, and those of other religions abiding in Spiritist territory must abide by these two traditions.

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