Chapter Nine
Terror In The Sky

The next few weeks seemed to fly by as Dr. Horton fully recovered. Mike worked exclusively in the lab, helping Larry dismantle and examine the last of R.M.T.P.'s components. In preparation for the reconstruction job ahead, Dr. Cooper had acquired three new lab techs, and this meant the regulars would have to be extremely careful with all conversations concerning Mike's special powers when they were present. There was always that underlying fear between Cooper, Larry and Jeanie...the fear that someone would notice the slightest little difference in their friend, and begin to ask questions that would be impossible to answer. It was beginning to become very difficult keeping Mike's tremendous appetite undercover. It became worse every day. Dr. Cooper helped his young friend out in this matter, by privately asking Larry and the other regulars to pick up extra meals for him at lunch, alternately, when he needed them. This way would even curb the suspicions of the cafeteria's counter attendant, who was constantly badgering Mike about either wasting food, sneaking it for others, or getting too much on one pass. This worked out well, until one day as Mike ate with Larry and the new techs, one said,
"You know, Mike, I've never seen anybody eat as much as you do in my whole life! I don't know how you do it! And, come to think of it, I've never seen you even go near the men's room during working hours. Wow! You must really be able to hold it in!"
As the others chuckled, shaking their heads back and forth, Mike felt his face become hot with the beginnings of a blush. He silently finished his meal. But his mind was whirling with worry. He was shocked with the sudden recollection that he hadn't needed to use the bathroom since before the transporter accident! The busy schedule he'd kept after going back to work left him no time to think much about daily habits, and now he regretted being the type of person who didn't fuss over the need for daily nutrition and scheduled routine biological functions. Of course he'd realized something was odd when he'd felt ill, but nothing seemed seriously out of order until that moment. Mike's scalp and spine tingled with an odd feeling as he finished cleaning off his tray. He knew a visit to Dr. Horton for an exam was what he needed next, but he was frightened that the diagnosis of his problem would bring him terrible news. He asked Dr. Cooper if he could speak with him alone, and they went to a quiet corner of the lab.
Dr. Cooper seemed extremely concerned after Mike explained what was wrong. He had overheard his conversation with the technician, and, the remark.

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