Chapter Eleven
The New Deal

Mike wore his new suit home under his street clothes that day, and this gave him the idea to continue wearing it this way during the week, to see if it allowed him to stay outside in the sun longer. It worked, and Mike spent many pleasant hours with Jeanie and Larry out of doors both during lunch breaks, and after hours. To celebrate his new-found freedom, he decided to have a party at his apartment, one night, exactly a week after his discovery. Larry was bringing his girlfriend, a pretty blonde young lady named Susie, who worked in the laundry. They'd been seeing each-other quite a while. Jeanie was excited about the small affair and made Mike promise to sing there. The four were walking to Mike's from the Institute on the appointed evening, when Larry suddenly thought of a fantastic idea concerning the construction of the shield. The setting sun was shinig so brightly over the nearest mountain, it made them cover their eyes and have to squint to make their way to the main road, and Susie had mentioned there was a house on that mountaintop. Her parents had known the people that lived there before the place had been turned into a solar generating station. Life up there had been simply unbearable on certain times of the day. They were heartbroken at the thought of leaving their family's house behind, and didn't know what to do until a man from the government had heard about their problem and confronted the couple with the idea of turning the area into the station. He offered them the amount of money for their property that suited them for the deal, and moved to a safer place in town. Larry could see the huge solar reflectors just barely, from where he was, and this is what triggered his thoughts that excited him so. Mike was chatting a mile a minute, keeping the girls' interest quite well, and Larry could not seem to get his attention, no matter how hard he tried! Finally, he waved his arms wildly at the risk of Susie thinking him a complete idiot, and Mike finally glanced around while Jeanie and Susie continued talking to one another.
"Got a great idea!" he told him telepathically. "It's about the shield. It's quite complicated to explain, so I guess I'll have to tell you later."
Mike's curiosity was terribly aroused, but he didn't want to keep up their psychic contact for long, or Susie would get suspicious something unusual was happening "On target!" he communicated back. "Can't wait to hear it!" then turned back to the girls.
Mike was pleased with the young technician's ability to receive his thought transmissions when directed to him. He'd always suspected Larry of being naturally psychic, and after recent tests by Dr. Horton proved he could become an expert at telepathic communication if he had proper training, the two friends conversed this way often. The only drawback with it was it didn't work well if  the two weren't looking directly at each other while sending their messages.

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