Planet California



Everything has changed so much from the original plan of The Children leaving the Earth. It was never intended that each religion be given its own world, that each country or state might be offered a world. However, things are in such chaos and We need the services of many so badly, that some incredible offers are being made. We are in desperate need of the services of Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger in California. The people of California are vital to Our efforts. Their fight against homosexual marriage is leading Our battle. We want Mrs. Schwarzenegger to come to North Dakota, and be a temporary spiritual protector helping restore Speaker Gerald Polley's powers. Then We wish her to help raise the funds to take him to California for a year to lead the battle against the homosexual movement from there, and to try to use the power of the people in California to persuade Nelson Mandela to become the Ruler of my Kingdoms.


After Mrs. Schwarzenegger is a courier/protector We want her to be the chairman of Demetrius' presidential campaign for 2,012 in California, and raise other chairmen elsewhere to help Speaker Polley get the nomination of The Republican Party and bring truth to Washington. If the people of California were to call her forth, she was to perform these purposes, and We succeed, the effort that they put forth would be so substantial that I would give Mrs. Schwarzenegger my power and glory, and though she is not a permanent protector, I would give her a world in the stars to rule over and for the people of California to possess. She could give a portion of it to each religious group and ethnic group that stands with Us. This is the offer I make to her for her service, and to the people of California if they support her.



I have stopped emailing Mrs. Schwarzenegger, telling her of my wishes. However, if the people of California rise up and ask her to reestablish contact with me, though it would be difficult, We believe We can still arrange this reward. There's a lot out there. Demetrius' people used to build planets. It's too bad they stopped at that and started destroying them. We cannot change what was but We can change what might be. We can save the human race, and people are being offered great rewards to do so, rewards only We can provide. No earthly power can do it, no matter how much they say they can. Only We are mankind's future. They are mankind's death. So I'd love to hear the people of California are asking Mrs. Schwarzenegger to claim their world, support Our causes and are calling Demetrius and Alura to them, saying "You can give us a year, you can fight Obama from California. You can send others to Washington. We'll give you what you need. Then you can go to Washington and really kick butt!" You do not know how much that would please me. Because I want Demetrius to kick butt!


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