Here is the new song John Lennon wrote for Joseph Smith.

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

1. On to Zion! On to Zion!
On to Zion! On to Zion!
On to Zion!

2. To The Prophet! To The Prophet!
On to Zion!
On to Zion!

3. Across the water! Through the wilderness!
To the Prophet!
On to Zion!

4. On to Zion! On to Zion!
To the Prophet!
To forever!
On to Zion!

5. On to Zion! On to Zion!
Others failed Him!
We stood by Him!
On to Zion!
On to Zion!

6. On to Zion! On to Zion!
To the Prophet! Now the Apostle!
On to Zion!
On to Zion!

7. On to Zion! On to Zion!
On to the Apostle!
On to forever!
On to forever!
On to Zion!
On, on, on, on, on!
On to Zion!

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