#8. NAME- Ashtarian (The Chosen Blood)

HOME WORLD- Ashtaria

GEOGRAPHY- Almost the same land-to-sea ratio as Earth, but all the continents are in two bands above and below the equator. There are no land masses at either pole. Climate is mild. Short winters, long growing seasons.

S0LAR SYSTEM- Eight planets. Ashtaria is the second from the sun. The inner planet is about half its size, with virtually no atmosphere. The other six planets are gaseous giants, four of which have moons almost as big as Ashtaria. Ashtaria has three moons, itself, of fairly good size.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION- Ashtarians could easily pass for humans. They have a slight brow ridge on the front of their skull and their internal organs are slightly differently shaped. But they are almost identical outside. Ashtarians have long been on Earth posing as humans. They have a variety of skin colors, but no real dark complexions as these did not seem to evolve on their world.

POLITICAL SYSTEM- Tribal hierarchy. Each family or tribe elects its own leaders within its territories and a representative to The High Council that administrates all extra-terrestrial affairs.

RELIGION- The Ashtarian religion is almost an exact parallel to Catholicism. Their traditions and even some of their prayers are virtually identical. Though most Ashtarians are devoutly religious, there is a strong separation of church and state. Though The Ashtarians have no colonies their thousands of outposts across the galaxy still give them a formidable bit of territory. Even with all they have surrendered they still have considerable holdings. They are The Galactic Community's newest and most begrudging member.

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