#9. NAME-  Cowl Rish Da (The Children Of Darkness)

WORLD- Bable Cobe (Black Seed.)

ORBIT- 210 years.

GEOGRAPHY- Unknown. Bable Cobe is the only planet known of that orbits a black hole. I have been told by some this is a physical impossibility. But I can only give what has been reported to me. It certainly makes it a SAFE place to live because nobody else's' ships in the galaxy can get in or out. The Galactic Community wonders how The Cowl Risnh Da's ships manage it!

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION- Unknown. The Cowl Rish Da when visiting other worlds, wear completely sealed suits, with silver reflective face plates. They come in various sizes from about 4 ft. 6 to 7 ft. 8. They have two arms, two legs, three fingers and a thumb. Aside from that nobody knows for sure. The Cowl Rish Da have three colonies where they keep alien wives and husbands gathered from most members of The Galactic Community. These worlds have no external lighting at night. No mobile light of any type are allowed. The alien husbands and wives sleep with The Cowl Rish Da in totally dark rooms. These are the only places where they remove their encounter suits.
On rare occasions that injured Cowl Rish Da have been found, any attempts to open their suits under any kind of light results in their instant vaporizing. They are highly prized as security officers in The Galactic Community, because they are able to see in total darkness or at least the equivalent, making them extremely useful in night operations.
They trade heavily with The Galactic Community, producing many sought after products. But some races do not like to have them around, as they tend to frighten them.
The Galactic Community does not like such prejudices. But The Cowl Rish Da are very understanding in these matters.
The Cowl Rish Da's spaceships are very easily identifiable. They are the only ones in the galaxy that are shaped like triangles. They are not indestructible but no one wants to fight them, either. Because destroying them is very difficult.
All in all a very interesting race!

RELIGION- Unknown. Ask a Cowl Rish Da what their religion is, and they will answer politely "None of your business! Don't ask again!" So nobody really knows.

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