I have received word that the destruction of the Ashtarian criminal Family has reeked a harvest among several of other races of The Galactic Community, also. The Ashtarian Security Forces captured this family's records intact, because one female Family member kept copies of almost everything with which to bargain with the authorities. These records have led to the leaders of criminal families in many other communities, and their seized records have led to even more!
Some of the Galactic Community have been complaining about the manpower required to continue the total blockade of the solar system. This incident has caused most of them to withdraw their ccomplaints, as the blockade has resulted in a very beneficial circumstance for their own people.
We can only hope that such benefits continue to occur.


I have learned today The Grand Alliance has made a decision I am really NOT to happy with. Repeated messages have ben sent to Ashtarian operatives on Earth to cease their operations, and to report for pick up. Though there is evidence the messages are being received, the Ashtarians are not responding.
The Galactic Forces have sent agents into Earth's Spirit Realm begging its leaders for ppermission to land material forces and retrieve, or, if necessary, eliminate these Ashtarian operatives. They are concerned with the tremendous drain of Spiritual energy we are expending to deal with them in our own manner.
Over my objections The Grand Alliance has agreed that one-hundred galactic agents who can pass for humans will be allowed to land in ten person operation teams to deal with those Ashtarians considered to be in high enough positions to be a serious threat to us.
The teams will be dispersed in this manner- three will be dropped in The United States, one in Canada, one in Mexico. One will be dropped in England, one in France, one in Germany, one in Italy, and one in Spain.
As I have said, I am very much AGAINST this operation. I believe we should handle the situation on our own. But I have been overruled. I only hope that this decision does not prove to be disastrous. Each Agent is sworn to give their life rather than reveal their true identity. That if captured, they will INSIST they are humans, and keep the nature of their operations secret.
Let us pray none of them have to prove their resolve!



The Galactic Agents sent to shut down the Astarian operations on Earth have made their first attempt at a pick up. The results were disasterous! The Ashtarian agents attempted to escape, but when cornered the Agents blew themselves up, along with their children, killing their entire family, and seriously wounding two members of The Galactic party.
The failure of this operation is going to make it even harder to track down the rest of the operatives in that particular network.
The information the dead could have provided would have been invaluable. I have asked The Galactic FOrces to have their agents pull back for awhile, to let things calm down. They have grudgingly respected my wishes.


The Galactic Forces ground units have had some success after their recent tragedy. Two Ashtarian infiltration units have peacetfully surrendered and been withdrawn, spurred on by the tragedy that befell their comrades.
However, I have ordered one squad home, and asked that their leader be severely disciplined because two members of his squad detatched from their planned operations and were proceeding to our area to take action against an individual causing us some difficulty. This violated our agreement that the Galactic Forces could only concern themselves with Ashtarian operatives and leave all other affairs to us.
I have again petitioned The Grand Alliance to have The Galactic Forces removed completely, but my desires have again been overruled. I still think these operations a very bad idea!


The Galactic Forces have lost one of their agents working against the Ashtarians on Earth. The young man became sick rather suddenly. He was quickly evacuated to a patrol ship but died a couple of hours after arrival of massive internal hemorraging. The Galactic Forces' medical people were totally bewildered as to the cause, as they were operating too far north for snakes or poisonous insects but working on one of my hunches they compared the toxin in the young man's body to several known insects, and found an exact match with the venom of a black widow spider. Apparently this particular species has none of the human defenses against this toxin, and is proven deadly.
Apparently the group stopped at a farmer's market and the young man came in contact with the spider there.
The only positive thing about the incident is this group has managed to contact and peacably remove an Ashtarian operative. One man in a hundred are not extreme losses but it is a loss, nonetheless.


The Ashtarian situation continues to cause us no end of problems! At my insistence The Galactic Agents operating on Earth have been withdrawn. They were having as little success in detecting the Ashtarian operatives and dealing with them as we have had. And on two seperate occasions we found them interfering in our operations both in South America and Europe. They mean well. They're trying to help. But we just cannot tolerate such interference. It makes them almost as bad as the Ashtarians!


An Ashtarian representative has again approached me begging that I stop my attacks on his people, that they are not responsible for their agents' failure to discontinue their operations on Earth. That they have cooperated fully in the attemps to stop them.
It seems over two-thousand Ashtarians were killed when a minority on one of their former subject worlds rebelled against their government. They entered Ashtarian dwellings and butchered everyone they could find.
I assured the representative that I had nothing to do with this uprising. It is simply residue from the long years of Ashtarian oppression, that I am appalled by such senseless slaughter, no matter what greviance the people have.
The agent retreated claiming I was heartless. The Galactic Forces have assisted in removing any Ashtarians from that world who are still in danger. Little else can be done.
Many Ashtarians are begininning to reconsider their decision to stay on former subject worlds, even when they are said to be welcome.
Many are making plans to return to Ashtaria, or, to Ashtarian colonies where their numbers would be more defendable. It is sad they must do so, as I believe many of them sincerely wanted to stay and help undo the harm they had done.


Word has reached us several days ago of another tragedy among the Ashtarians. Apparently 500 members of a mining colony; men, women, and children, committed mass suicide because they could not compete in a free market system. I still cannot understand why people kill themselves simply because their standard of living has lowered a little bit.
From the report I have been given these people were having a hard time, but they weren't suffering.
Why kill your children because you can't have a few luxuries you became accustomed to?
The Ashtarians are constantly calling me The Dark One, The Destroyer, The Barbarian. I think the actions of these people are the barbaric ones, to deny their children the opportunity to learn to overcome their difficulties, to rise above their misfortunes and succeed where others said they would fail. Now these children will never have these opportunities because their parents were too selfish and cowardly to let them struggle.
Who knows what they could have accomplished? Now, no one will EVER know.


It has come to our attention that several people of a so-called doomsday cult that killed themselves in Europe a few days ago were actually Ashtarian operatives.
They left an automated beacon with messages for those that they have been in contact with. They chose death rather than surrendering their operations.
The sadness of this situation still continues to disturb us. The Ashtarians need all their people that are left. For even this handful to desert them and take the easy way out rather than come home and rebuild their shattered world is very hard on them.
The legacy of their misguided thinking continues to cost them day after day, in little AND big ways.

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