Have any of them ever been seen around Earth? Undoubtedly! The most common ship used at present is the saucer-shaped originally introduced by The Mora, but which has been copied by many other members of The Galactic Community. Some of them are huge, being a mile or more across, and commonly carry several of the smaller type craft that are used for landings. The Mora have been visiting Earth for years doing scientific research, and are the ones usually responsible for the reported alien abductions.
The Squiggle still have a lot of their cigar shaped ships around that have been in use for many hundreds of years.
There is also a new craft that resembles a mini van but of course is much larger that has come into service of late. Its landing sites are easily recognizable because it leaves three deep impressions in the ground from its landing skids. The Squiggles also have a few craft that are very old, that resemble a donut with a cigar stuck through it. But these very rarely come to this part of the galaxy.
The Crystallines' ships are shaped like a female Crystalline. Most are very large. Their little fighter craft, however, are egg-shaped, extremely maneuverable, and can discharge their weaponry in any direction except the stern. The stern is marked with four small holes that are the outlets for the engine.
The Snick space ships appear to be a huge ball with a cylinder protruding from the rear about twice the ball's length. This is the ship's engine. The Snick do not come to Earth in their own ships, however, but usually as crew on the Mora or Squiggle ships. Their own ships are only used to transport colonists.
The Farble space ships strongly resemble the probe in "Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home;" a large, simple cylinder with ball shaped sensory probe sticking down from the front.
The Karons use mostly Mora space ships, but a few of their own space craft still exist which look like giant seed pods, which trail four shimmering ribbons which are really the propulsion systems. They are said to be very beautiful to watch flying.
Fonzi again use mostly Mora vessels. Their old ships that look like simple flying boxes with four cylinders attached, one on each side.
Most are used now for space stations and do not even have functional engines.
Ashtarian- The main Ashtarian vessel looked like a flying saucer cut in half, with three short cylinders sticking out the rear. They were a good design but The Ashtarians made a mistake in using a rare fuel source, which made the engines extremely delicate and prone to explosion. They are now converting these ships to a more common fuel and
acquiring used vessels from other races, to replace their devastated fleet.
Cowl Rish Da ships are shaped like triangles usually colored black, but sometimes appearing a glossy white. Ships come in various sizes, sometimes a mother ship can be seen carrying three cruisers, each carrying three fighters which makes an impressive sight.
Frittle- all Frittle space ships resemble a rocky hill as they are all made from asteroids cut and shaped to The Frittles' design. The Frittle are never in that much of a hurry so their ships are slow. The Frittle knew about Earth long before anybody else, but kept its existence a secret, as they did not want others disturbing it.
Cottle Frodenac space ships look like sleek, gigantic darts. The long sensor probe on their bows even look like a dart's point! And their four stabilizers complete the similarity. They are powerful warships, some of the best in The Galactic Community. Few raiders have the courage to enter their space, and those that do usually don't stay there long.
The Shotee space ships are a beautiful diamond shaped craft that seem to be made out of pure crystal. The few remaining ones often sit at their ports for years between usage. Their type of propulsion is not known, but they travel very fast seeming to shimmer out of existence and appear again several days later in a distant solar system. Non-allied races have offered to buy their disused craft, but The Shotee steadfastly refuse. No one EVER attempts to attack them, as their weapons have a tremendous range and outdistance anyone else. Though most of the time they prefer to withdraw than fight they have been known, however, to wipe out entire fleets when provoked. So they are very rarely provoked.
The Dawn space ships are simple looking affairs....cylinders of different sizes with one, two, three or four cylinders protruding from the stern depending on their size. But they are some of the most powerful ships in the galaxy, built mainly for combat. They are well armed and the crews superbly trained. In the few encounters The Galactic Community has had with them, The Imperials have conducted themselves well. But they are not really that aggressive and will try to negotiate their way out of a difficult situation rather than fight. Their fleets are mainly kept busy chasing raiders, rather than attacking their neighbors.
The Kulidee  space ships resemble spear points with a short shaft from which extends a cross bar on which two cylinders are mounted. These, of course, are the ship's engines. The ships tend to be small. They don't build anything bigger than a cutter but they are heavily armed, and there are a lot of them, five or six of them can easily destroy a much larger warship. Even singularly they can do a lot of damage so smart beings stay out of their way.
Kulida The Kulida ships are similar to The Kulidee, except they tend to produce several bigger versions, that are the match for anything in The Galactic Community. Some of the bigger versions have six to eight engines as they do not seem to be able to produce big ones. But this, in no way, lessens the power they produce, and deliver to the weapons' systems.


What type of weapons do The Galactic Community use?
Hand weapons vary from simple explosive projectile devices to complicated hand held laser weapons. But the majority weapons are almost identical; some type of powerful particle beam device that delivers a tremendous pounding energy burst, that will simply rip through any unshielded ship. But most all races, however, have electron shields which protect them from all but close range direct hits. It is an incredible display when major space fleets sit and pound each other at close quarters. For those on the ships it can also be horrifying.

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