February 1, 2,002
Muhammed's Mystery

Well, our procrastinator didn't ask any questions today so I have nothing to respond to. I have to report, however, Muhammed is asking me to do one of those impossible things again. He is instructing me to build a new mosque here in Fargo to become his new Seat Of Glory on Earth. Can anybody tell me what The Saudi Arabians have done? I can't imagine what has got Muhammed so berserk! He is angrier than I have ever known him! And when I ask him what the matter is, he says "You'll find out! And when you do, make them ashes, make them dust, make them a forgotten memory. This is my command to you from God, from all that is good, from all that is blessed, from all that is kind. Destroy them and leave no trace of them, that they may never again profane the Earth with their existence. It is God's Will that they be destroyed forever." Whatever these people are doing, I'd strongly advise them to stop it! The Prophet is enraged with them. The only thing I can think of is maybe they're hiding Bin Laden or giving the terrorists atomic material or something. It's got to be something major for Muhammed to be so irate. He can be bad, he's the worst of all Those I work with, but there is just no describing his rage. It is just simply unbelievable! And that rage can shake the Earth.

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