May 6, 2,003
Why And A Plea

Speaking of the Texas dead zones, we have received a desperate plea to the families of the two female astronauts trapped there.  It says "In the name of God, why have you forsaken us?  Why have you abandoned us to this living hell?  We are burning every day, we are in agony beyond your understanding.  Why have you forsaken us?  Why won't you help us?  Why don't you love us any more?  You know what is happening to us.  You've been told.  The Messengers have been sent to you.  Why do you ignore Them?  Why do you support those who betrayed us?  In the name of God, please, please help us!  All The President has to do is ask, and we will be released.  Make him ask!  Don't leave us in this hell!  In the name of God, make him ask!"  That ends the astronauts' plea.

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May 12, 2,003
Another Frightening Time

Things in the dead zones are getting really, really bad for those who have recently died, especially in Italy and Spain.  The suffering is unbelievable, and the people are begging for release, but under the current circumstances no pardon will be given.  The Columbia astronauts are suffering horribly.  They are not even coherent any more.  One of the women is curled up in the fetal position and keeps muttering over and over again "Why do you hate me, mumsy?  Why don't you love me any more, mumsy?  I didn't do anything wrong, mumsy!" over and over again.  The other one just keeps walking around and around in circles muttering "It's all right, daddy.  You don't have to cry, daddy.  I still love you, daddy."  One of the men just sits and rocks and keeps muttering the poem "The Spires Of Katmandu", I think that's what it's called.  Another one keeps muttering things that we can't repeat.  Those watching over them beg us to do something to help them, but we can do nothing.  Only President Bush can do something and he won't.  It really disturbs us to see The Kingdom Of God driven so far that They have to do things like this.  It is so unlike Them, so far from what They want to do.  But They have to protect Themselves, They have to fight back!  Mankind chooses to betray Them, and They have no other choice but to fight.  It is just terrible to see the innocent suffer so.

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