March 11, 2,004
Muhammed Keeps Trying

A bit of good news this morning!  The last spiritual dead zone in Spain centered in Pamplona has collapsed and Spain is now dead zone free!  The power city in Algiers, Algeria has been removed to compensate.  I was really surprised to read this morning of the tragic bombings in Madrid that killed over 60 people.  Then I remembered The Kingdom Of God supports the Baath Seperatists, believes in their struggle for independence against the Catholic dominated Spanish government, so, in reality I understood how the two circumstances could go together.  Speaking of power cities, we have had to remove two in Canada because they have become unstable;  Vancouver, British Columbia, and Calgary, Alberta.  The people in these areas have been taking The Kingdom Of God's power but refused to use it to oppose the homosexual movement.  So apparantly they simply became overloaded and could not sustain the power any more.

Speaking of power cities, we have had to remove two in Canada because they have become unstable;  Vancouver, British Columbia, and Calgary, Alberta.  The people in these areas have been taking The Kingdom Of God's power but refused to use it to oppose the homosexual movement.  So apparantly they simply became overloaded and could not sustain the power any more.
It is such a shame that so many have the power to serve The Kingdom Of God and could help save the world, but they prefer to let their children be sodomized and have their souls destroyed forever.  They simply cannot speak out because they don't want their neighbors thinking they're prejudice.  This weapon that the perverts use is one of the greatest in their arsenal turning decent people against each other by claiming any who oppose them are prejudiced.  We must find some way of making people understand that homosexuality is a sickness, not a race or a religion.  But it is very, very difficult!  That's about all this morning!

FOOTNOTE: The battles between those demons that support The  Kingdom Of God and those that oppose Them continue, unabated!  They are especially fierce around Springfield, New Hampshire.  The German and French demons seem determined to drive the defenders out of this city!  There are also terrible skirmishes in Boston, but not as bad as those in Springfield.  There are minor clashes throughout the rest of the dead zone.  But the battles in these two places are lasting even into the daylight hours with no let up in their ferocity!  The defenders are continuing to be reinforced.  More demons are coming from South America, and now, even Africa to join the defenders, but the attackers are getting help, also.  The demons that support homosexuality in Canada are coming down and joining the French and German demons.  If there's a lot of fights in the material area where the dead zone is, it will not surprise Us!  This has got to be unnerving the people living in these areas!  We're wondering why they're not at each other's throats, why there aren't riots and other disturbances.  We have never seen anything like this!  In all the annals of The Kingdom Of God, in the Histories of Our own Worlds, there is nothing to compare with this!  It is completely new phenomena to everyone, and terrifying, as well!

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March 12, 2,004
Kingdom Of God Never Supports Terror

The creatures of Darkness operating in New Hampshire made a slight mistake!  They rallied outside the dead zone in the parts of New Hampshire covered by the bridging effect, forgetting that The Bearers Of Light can operate in these areas for limited periods.  The Kingdom Of God's Scouts pinpointed their rallying areas, and when the demons arrived, exhausted from their long trip from Europe, they were met with a nasty surprise!  John Lennon led The Angelic Hosts against them in three slashing attacks which left the demons running for home!  We can't really call them battles.  As soon as John appeared the demons made every effort to vacate the vicinity.  It was a fight in name only.  The Kingdom Of God's Forces referred to them as chicken runs, but now the demons are extremely weary and are rallying far away from the dead zones in scattered locations.  They may be careless and make mistakes sometimes, but they're not stupid!  Anyway, John has hurt them and it's going to be awhile before they'll be able to come back in the numbers they were fielding before.  Some talk has been made of lifting the dead zone, but Jesus says "No.  Not as long as we have a gay Anglican bishop, and gay Anglican churches.  Until that problem is resolved, the dead zone stays!"

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March 15, 2,004
Ad Frustration

Some more good news!  The spiritual dead zone in Nova Scotia, Canada, covering Halifax has collapsed!  The two remaining dead zones show no sign of instability.  But apparently the people in Nova Scotia are more inclined to follow God's wishes.  The power city in Fredericton, New Brunswick, has been taken down to compensate.  But the rest of the power cities have been left up in that area to protect Maine from the dead zone in New England.  That appears to be the only dead zone that is unstable right now.  But the way they suddenly destabilize and can't be kept up, there's no telling where the next one will fall.  Though the chances are they will be in The Middle East, as support for The Kingdom Of God there is growing daily.

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