April 1, 2,004
Justice Must Be Dispensed!

Well, alot going on this morning!  Muhammed has had his say.  Now, we have some more news.  Yesterday the New England dead zone was shut down so Jesus could perform a little mission in Massachusetts.  It was put back up as soon as Jesus was done without difficulty.  But when the New England dead zone was shut down the Colorado dead zone went down, too, and it couldn't be put back up!  Everyone is totally perplexed trying to figure out what has happened!  But whatever, the Colorado dead zone is gone.  That leaves only the New England dead zone in The United States.  But this has caused a serious problem.  All three power cities in North Dakota; Fargo, Valley City, and Jamestown, have collapsed!  Our last sources of extra power in the area have given out.  We're operating now, on the bare minimum of energies both where we live, and, where we work.

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April 9, 2,004
Sincere Apologies

We had been expecting more dead zones in The Middle East to collapse, but what has happened has taken Us completely by surprise!  All three dead zones in Yemen have collapsed!  The one at the capitol, at Sanah, the one at Aden, and the one at Almukalla, have all gone down!  We thought we would have to remove power cities to compensate, but the overabundance of power that We have in The Kingdom Of God is forcing us to keep the power cities open at this time.  We have no idea what is next!  But the dead zones continue to go their merry way!  We think probably more of those in Europe will go shortly, though we want to keep those in France and Germany up, The Kingdom Of God is still mad at them.  But nature might not agree with Us!  There's a chance more may go in The Middle East first.  The concern we once had about shutting the dead zones down has definitely gone bye-bye!  There's going to be no problem getting rid of them at all!  It is believed eventually it will get to the point that we may only be able to keep two or three of them up to a time, as energy levels return to normal.

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