May 6, 2,002
God's Warriors

Though The Kingdom Of God's dead zone in Denver is new apparently they have been working there for some time, already, as we have been receiving reports of a brain disease among elk that is deeply effecting their production in the area, and we have even received reports of bubonic plague. The Palestinians praise their suicide warriors, but The Kingdom Of God has millions, billions of more warriors that man has very little defense against; fleas that spread their diseases throughout mankind. No matter what weapons man develops, no matter how powerful they think they are, The Kingdom Of God can answer any attack against Them with horrendous results! It is not Their wish to do so, They would rather be guiding and protecting mankind, and making epidemics less virulent. But when man is threatening to destroy everything that They have worked for for untold ages, when man is willing to commit suicide for his corrupt and uncaring leaders, The Kingdom Of God has to act. It has no other choice.

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May 13, 2,002
Why Hate Clinton?

The Kingdom Of God going berserk on these dead zones. The one in Denver has opened up perfectly, and is really cooking. They are really pleased with it. Now They are talking about moving back to The Middle East. Beginning the 15th They intend to open up three dead zones in Iran, one centered in Abadan, which will cover most of Kuwait, and two cities in lower Iraq, one in Shiraz, and one in Zahedan, which will extend into Afghanistan and Pakistan. The drawing out of all this spiritual energy and leaving these zones spiritually dead is giving us tremendous power to use elsewhere. But we still consider these dead zones extremely dangerous.
The Kingdom Of God isn't going to stop there, however! Beginning the 1st of June They're going to open up two more dead zones in Iraq, one in Baghdad, and one in ArRutbah that will go into Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria. Then the 15th of June They intend to open a third dead zone in The United States, centered in North Hampton, Massachusetts, which will cover Boston and most of Massachusetts. We will give more details on these dead zones as they come into existence. But The Kingdom Of God definitely doesn't have any intention of letting up the pressure. They continue to attack viciously! For information on what is happening in the dead zones check the address below.

Though They were quite pleased with Their efforts this weekend to try to tone down the racial troubles in Cincinnati, Ohio. They believe They reached a lot of people. As I said before, The Kingdom Of God is treading a very fine line between fighting back against The Darkness, and, destroying mankind, but They continue to fight.

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